Monday 25 November 2019

Scentsational … using our senses!

Submitted by Melanie K.

At our last meeting on November 19th, Toastmaster Melanie K. took us on a mini exploration into the world of scents. Everyone shared their favourite or not so pleasant scent. We learned about how the first recorded perfume was made back in 1200 BCE.

Kerrianne K-M. informed us about public trust and the Canadian agri-food scene, while Eileen S. provided a descriptive speech on her preparations for family who will be home for the holidays.

We became aware of what some of the best jobs are such as sommelier (wine), chocolatier, baker, florist amongst others to some of the most odious jobs such as zookeeper, sanitation and sewage technologists, pathologists and crime scene investigators. Polar bears have the best sense of smell and can smell seals 32 km away! Dog have jobs smelling many different things helping military and law enforcement personnel from bed bugs, landmines, to money, drugs and foreign foods. Melanie brought various scented essential oils and books on aromatherapy. Scented prizes were given to everyone in attendance. A scentsational good time was had by all!

Please join us on December 3rd as we delve into Workshop Essentials led by Lingo’s President Dan M., DTM! J

Social Media Tools

Submitted by Edith B.

While the weather was cold and icy and the attendees were few, Lingo’s latest meeting was hot!  Eileen S., aptly opened the meeting adjusting the time through colourful TI timer app. 

We learned lots about social media from our participants. Toastmaster Edith B. set the stage by noting even though some say “Facebook is for old people,” she really enjoys the “connections” (knock/knock) she has around the world, especially through the Official Toastmasters International Facebook group. One item she learned was advanced clubs give “MEAN”* evaluations and last night was no exception.  

Estella M., along with Melanie K. as radio host, professionally demonstrated a radio talk interview discussing the use of various video channels as a social media marketing tool. 

Rhys D., resident guru for the D99TM Fan Facebook group, presented an excellent presentation on “Marketing Toastmasters Through Social Media.”  He discussed several social media platforms and only mentioned “the cat” a few times.

Cherry C., efficiently pulled double duty as both Table Topics Master and General Evaluator. Guest Midi (Riverbend TM Club President),  not only won the best Tabletopics speaker, telling us about monitoring social media of her teenage daughter, she also gave a “MEAN” evaluation of Estella’s speech, noting the value of vocal variety especially in a radio talk setting where you are not seen.

”MEAN” - Meaningful, Educational, Applicable and No-nonsense.”

Melanie K., provided us with a sneak preview of Lingo’s next meeting on November 19th, promising us a “Scent-sational” good time. I hear “scentsational” prizes will be awarded. Think of your favourite or not so favourite scents and be prepared to share.  You don’t want to miss out!

We also learned that if a meeting does not have food, you may want to stay home and send emails instead.  It’s a good thing Lingo always has food, so please visit us on the  first or third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at Revera at Riverbend  (103 Rabbithill Court).