Thursday 23 September 2021

Sept 21, 2021 Theme: The Day Aftere

This is “The Day After” after a great meeting of Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters Club.  TM Eileen S. in her usual professional manner led the meeting and performed the grammarian duty. We had two DTMs gave speeches in the Dynamic Leadership Pathway: Cherry C with “Attributes and Styles” (L2) and Estella M with “Disagree agreeably using the Applied Principles of Dale Carnegie” (L1). Evaluators Dan Mc and Rhys D gave non-“ominous” evaluations. Tabletopics Master Edith B gave several scenarios where members were asked to describe how they felt the day after if they were in that position.  There was a tie between Rhys, speaking about the day and time after their twins were born and Eileen, gave her day after thoughts on winning a silver versus gold medal at the Olympics. We were happy to have Craig B join our club and do TT evaluations. Best evaluator for the evening was Rhys. 

Our next event is a workshop on the Presentation Mastery Pathway to be held on Tuesday October 5/21 at 7 pm MST. If you are working on this Pathway and wish to present, let Cherry C know and if it is a pathway you are interested in doing in the future, you won’t want to miss it.  

Submitted by Edith Baraniecki VP PR

Thursday 9 September 2021

Sept 7, 2021 Workshop: How to prepare Humorous speech

Well members weren’t falling out of their computer chairs but hopefully they were enlightened on how to prepare and deliver a humorous speech. TM Cherry C started the evening with humour and then asked us about a funny thing that we experienced. What stories! Edith B then gave an Engaging Humourous speech about “Miss Edith’s Neighbourhood” followed with a presentation derived from a session on the Magical Power of Humour which was presented at the 2021 TI Convention (notes available). This was followed by a video shown by Dan Mc of Craig Valentine, past World Champion, who recommended using these approaches 1) character dialogue, 2) inner dialogue, 3) projected dialogue, and 4) actual audience dialogue. Eileen S asked four members a variety of Tabletopics (TT). Cherry won best TT with her response as to whether she would rather be the funniest or the smartest person in the room. How do you think she responded?  Evaluators Rhys D (Speech #1) and Xiao  X (TTs) both demonstrated good listening skills and offered advice for improvement. The biggest deficit was that there were no guests. That needs to improve. Our next meeting theme on September 21/21 is “The day after…”. What do you think this is all about? Come and find out  

Submitted by Edith B VPPR