Thursday 16 February 2017

What happened at our Last Meeting? "What Money Cannot Buy"

Our last meeting was on Tueaday, Jan 17th.

We met at Edith's house since our meeting space (Rivebend Library) was unavailable.
We had one guest: Selena.  It was a nice and cozy meeting. Edith baked a Rubarb cake for us with a lot of other snacks.

Meeting theme was "what money cannot buy"

There was a lot of stuff that money can't buy.  Majority of our members feel that Health is the most important one!  Edith was our Toastmaster for this meeting.

We had our Business Meeting where we discuss on the venues that we are thinking of meeting and we voted on the Riverbend Retirement Community by Rivera. This will be the location we will meet from now on and we are ecstatic that we finally have a permanent place to meet without moving around town!

We had two speeches from Kerrianne and Melanie.

Kerrianne was presenting from her HPL manual.  She did her HPL on her term as an Area Director.  She wanted to be able to provide support to her clubs and be resourceful to them.  Her clubs are lucky to have her as their Area Director.

Melanie was presenting from the Storytelling Advanced Manual.  She did her story on a book called "  Living with a Black Dog:  His Name is Depression" by Matthew Johnstone.  She even have props.

It was a great meeting, looking forward to our upcoming workshop presented by Robin on Your Speaking Voice!

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