Wednesday 15 March 2017

Workshop: Public Relations

Public relations can be defined as the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics.

Public relations is not just for companies and other organizations. If you are looking for a job or seeking a promotion, you could benefit from public relations techniques. (Incidentally, there are over 200 public relations/communications jobs currently available in Edmonton). Perhaps you're trying to draw the public's attention to a problem or advance a cause. Maybe you have written a book or created a product that you want people to buy. Are you the vice president public relations for your club or plan to be next year?

If you answered yes to any of these situations, this workshop will be of interest to you.  The workshop is based on the advanced manual "Public Relations," which will help you learn several types of public relations-related speeches. In the first project, you will prepare and present a speech that generates goodwill for a company or organization. Next, you'll prepare a speech for a radio talk show that presents a positive image of your company. The third project requires you to present a speech that will persuade the audience to accept your viewpoint. Then you will prepare a talk to persuade a hostile audience to at least consider your position on a controversial issue. Finally, you will communicate to the media about a crisis in your organization while trying to build and maintain a positive image for the organization.

Please join Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters Club to learn more about managing communications in a fun and supportive environment.

Facilitator:  Edith Baraniecki, DTM
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Location: Riverbend Retirement Living by Rivera, in the Melange Room (103 Rabbit Hill Road, Edmonton, AB, T6R 2V3)

Please RSVP at EventBrite:

International Speech and Evaluation Contest - Area 51

Please join us as we cheer on our International Speech winner Edith Baraniecki and our Evaluation winner Melanie Kruger as they complete with our three other club winners from Golden Mountain Toastmasters Club, Riverbend Toastmasters Club, and ToastmAPSters Club.

The Area 51 contest will be held on

Date: Thursday, March 23
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Holy Trinity Riverbend Anglican Church (1428 - 156 Street NW)

We wish both of them best of luck at the Area 51 contest.
Please help cheer them on!

Ahhh.. Spring: New Beginning!

That is the theme for our next Club meeting on Tuesday, March 21.  Please come join our Toastmaster Melanie Kruger and us on a refresh start of a new season!!  If you are interested in taking on a role at our club or just coming to visit, please feel free to email us at

Wednesday 8 March 2017

International Speech and Evaluation Contest - Club Level

Lingo Advanced Communicators had their International Speech and Evaluation Contest - Club Level yesterday, March 7th. We had the honour of having Cherry Cheung as our Chief Judge also our Judges, Betty, Barry, and Renee. It was a well organized contest with our Contest Chair and Toastmaster Rick, Sgt-at-arms Rhys and Tolu. Last but not least, our timer Peter and ballot counter Kerrianne. We had 2 contestants for International Speech and 4 Contestants for Evaluation Contest. Thank you to Peter Wang for being our Test Speaker in the Evaluation Contest!

Our Winner for International Speech contest was Edith Baraniecki and for Evaluation Contest was Melanie Kruger. Both Contestants will advance to our Area 51 Contest which will be held on Thursday March 23 at 7:00pm. Please come cheer for us as these two finalist brings back the victory award in the Area level!!

Thanks again to all attended!