Wednesday 8 March 2017

International Speech and Evaluation Contest - Club Level

Lingo Advanced Communicators had their International Speech and Evaluation Contest - Club Level yesterday, March 7th. We had the honour of having Cherry Cheung as our Chief Judge also our Judges, Betty, Barry, and Renee. It was a well organized contest with our Contest Chair and Toastmaster Rick, Sgt-at-arms Rhys and Tolu. Last but not least, our timer Peter and ballot counter Kerrianne. We had 2 contestants for International Speech and 4 Contestants for Evaluation Contest. Thank you to Peter Wang for being our Test Speaker in the Evaluation Contest!

Our Winner for International Speech contest was Edith Baraniecki and for Evaluation Contest was Melanie Kruger. Both Contestants will advance to our Area 51 Contest which will be held on Thursday March 23 at 7:00pm. Please come cheer for us as these two finalist brings back the victory award in the Area level!!

Thanks again to all attended!

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