Monday 10 April 2017

Area 51 International Speech and Evaluation Contest

LtoR: Tolu,Edith,Celia,Melanie,Ralph (missing: Nayyer)

What a Fantastic Contest!!  Area 51 International Speech and Evaluation Contest was held on Thursday, March 23, 2017 at Holy Trinity Riverbend Church.  Area 51 consist of the following clubs:
  • Lingo Advanced Communicators
  • Riverbend Toastmasters Club
  • Golden Mountain Toastmasters Club
  • ToastmAPSter

Regret was sent from ToastmAPSter for not being able to be there.  Therefore we had three clubs battling for the winning titles!

We had 2 contestants on the International Speech Contest:  Edith Baraniecki (Lingo) and Nayyer Ahmed (Riverbend).  Both contestants speech was very entertaining and both brought a very deep message which fits in perfectly for an International speech!

As for the the Evaluation Contest, we had 5 contestants:  Melanie Kruger(Lingo), Edith Baraniecki (Lingo), Ralph Winsor (Golden Mountain), Celia Wanderley (Riverbend), and Nayyer Ahmed (Riverbend).  We also had our Test speacker Rocio Granados from New Entrepreneurs and Latino Canadian Entrepreneurs Toastmasters Club.  Rocio was amazing, her speech was funny and her delivery of the speech is so good that it shocked me to find out she is a new Toastmaster!!  Thank you Rocio for being our Test speaker!!  It was at a point that I was glad that I did not participated in the Evaluation contest.  This was definitely a tough one!!

Last but not least... our winners are... drum roll.....

Winners of International Speech Contest was Edith Baraniecki (Lingo)
Winners of Evaluation Contest was Nayyer Ahmed (Riverbend)

Congratulations to both winners and look forward to their competition at the Division B Contest that will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2017 at Radission Hotel (Gateway Blvd) at 12:30pm to 4:00pm ($5 at door)

We had our Division B Governor Dave Cartledge and Area 51 Governor Dan McCosh in attenance to award the ACS and ACG to Tolu Adelowokan.

How can a successful contest without a set of Helpers and Judges!!

Thank you to the following Judges for attending.  Some of them drove all the way from North side of town!!  We are very much appreciate your attendance!  Greg Gazin (Chief Judge), Glynn Williams, Cherly Persson, Matthew Mercredi, Dresdin Archibald, Dave Cartledge, and Kerrianne Koehler-Munro.

Thank you also to all the helpers from the clubs that came out!  Sgt-at-arms - Tariq Chaudary (Riverbend), Ballot Counter - Dan McCosh and Cristina Winter (Golden Mountain), Timer - Walter Mesquita (Riverbend).

Please come cheer on our winners at the Division B Contest!!

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