Thursday 6 July 2017

Lingo Workshop Recap: The Power of Ideas - July 4, 2017

Nine members and five guests took the opportunity to explore expanding their ideas.  Thank you to Peter K in leading this exploration.  We learned the difference between "divergent (broader) and convergent (narrower) thinking." We were asked to "develop our imaginations" with a "what if" situation. Then we were able to use "option thinking" regarding several Toastmasters issues. Next we used "opportunity thinking" discussing the things that bug us and possible marketing opportunities to correct the "bug."  "Creative guesswork" gave us several laughs when determining why we may have received a huge shipment of dog food delivered on our doorstep.  One suggestion was a fatigued drone. Using "mental calisthenics" we suggested several alternate uses for a paper clip or a ball-point pen.  When "creating combinations" such as  ice cream writing or blanket computer, we really stretched our thoughts.  Lastly we used "brainstorming" to discuss ways to enhance membership - some very interesting suggestions - one - we will definitely not go with.  All in all, it was a fun and informative workshop.  Well done Peter.  Thank you guests John, Cherry, June, Julie and Tonya for attending.  Our next meeting is July 18th with Rick L as the Toastmaster for the evening. 

Submitted by Edith Baraniecki

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