Friday 1 September 2017

Organizing a Club Speech Contest Workshop Recap

Submitted by Edith Baraniecki DTM

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, it is speech contest time.  On August 15th, Edith Baraniecki, DTM facilitated a workshop on "Organizing a Club Speech Contest."  The logistics for planning and conducting contests, in particular tabletopics and humorous speech contests, were reviewed. This included the eligibility rules, the forms needed and the roles of chair vs chief judge, timers, ballot counters, and the most important person in a contest, the contestant.  We were fortunate enough to have a real live contestant, Collin Greene, give two speeches at the workshop in preparation for representing District 99 at the International Convention, where he did the District proud.

The number and qualifications of judges for the various levels of contests was touched on but our next workshop "How to judge a contest" will give you everything you ever needed to know on judging contests.  You won't want to miss this September 5, 2017 workshop facilitated by Rick Lebeuf, DTM a former District 42 and 99 Chief Judge.  This workshop will prepare you for your own club contest either as a contestant or in a judging role.

Note that Lingo Advanced Communicators' speech contest is September 19th 7-8:30 pm at the Riverbend Residence by Revera.

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