Friday 10 November 2017

Workshop: Specialty Speeches Nov 7 2017

Submitted by Edith Baraniecki DTM

On November 7th, Lingo Advanced Toastmasters, surrounded by poppies, used their last workshop to "remember," not only our fallen heroes but why we joined an advanced club, and in particular, Lingo Advanced Club.  We heard comments such as to get opportunities to learn about the advanced manuals, to give more advanced speeches, to learn from and be evaluated by DTMs (over 50% of members are DTMs), to be supportive to others, to have the opportunity to be creative especially in putting on workshops and because the members are darn nice.  Thus, Lingo has become an advanced manual workshop club. 

Toastmaster/Facilitator Edith B engaged speakers, through lures of winning a million dollars, into presenting the projects in the Specialty Speeches manual. For project #1, Impromptu Speaking, Cherry C explained how touched she was by Robert Munsch's book "Love you Forever" and its meaning to her.  For project #2, Inspirational Speaking, Dan M inspired us with his insights for a successful club with his speech entitled "What is Your Big Hairy Audacious Goal." For project #4, Reading Out Loud, Eileen S read "Danceland" from the late Stuart McLean's 2015 book “Vinyl CafĂ© Turns the Page."  It had an interesting and humorous storyline with a surprising twist about a husband and wife voting for opposing candidates.  Just before the break, for project #3, Sell a Product/Service, Wendy L tried to convince the unconverted about the value of a Costco membership by luring them with the evening snacks and telling us about her love of poutine.  Not sure Melanie K was convinced as she gave valid reasons not to have a membership but she enjoyed the snacks anyway. Project #5 Introducing a Speaker was demonstrated throughout the entire workshop and previously during our Open House. All members contributed to the oral evaluations and we all learned by doing and observing.

Our next meeting is November 21st where Melanie K, Toastmaster for the evening, will tell us about the happenings at the last District Fall Conference being held November 17-19 in Prince Albert, Sask.  We will also have opportunities to give speeches.  Our next workshop December 5th is on Communicating on Video facilitated by Cherry C assisted by Rick L.  Stay tuned for details of this exciting workshop.  

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