Wednesday 28 February 2018

Workshop - Being a Chief Judge (Rick Lebeuf DTM)


On February 6th, guest speaker Kim Schreiner, member of the Telecommunicators Club who is close to achieving her ACG enthralled and entertained us with her fourth manual speech from the Interpretive Reading manual, by portraying characters from an excerpt from Act III of Visitor from Forest Hills by Neil Simon. American comedian George Burns once said, “I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.” Kim played both husband and wife of their daughter who was to be married and wouldn’t come out of the bathroom. Too afraid that she would end up like her arguing parents. In the end, their daughter did head down the aisle.

Rick Lebeuf, DTM presented a workshop on How to be a Chief Judge – perfectly timed for the upcoming Club, Area, Division and District International Speech and Evaluation contests. 

Rick’s Top three tips are:
  1. Always consult with the Contest Chair and determine who is responsible for what ;
  2. Get to contest early to set up; and
  3. Contests are always about the contestants

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