Wednesday 28 March 2018

As Like Trump said "You are FIRED"

Submitted by Cherry Cheung

The theme for March 20, 2018 was a hot topic:   As Like Trump said "You are Fired"
11 members + 2 guests(Harry and Herrick)
It was a regular meeting turned into an extra-ordinary and educational meeting, this meeting consists of 
one prepared speech by Von  + 11 table topics speakers. 

Our all time witty Table Topics Master Peter took out 2 decks of cards called 'Jobstacles'.   Each TT speaker picked 1 card from each deck;  one deck were the job titles and the other deck were the reasons why they were fired.  
Each TT speaker then got a chance to plead  their cases why they shouldn't be fired:

TT SPEAKERS'JOB                         FIRED BECAUSE OF: 
Dan:  School Nurse - using company time and resources to plan his wedding
Rick:  Chiropractor - always spoke in rhyme
Herrick:  Talk show Host - lacked confidence
Matthew: Taxidermist - thought all of the worlds problem were about women
Harry:  Civil War Re-enactmentist - only has a short time to live
Melanie: Hollywood Agent - not yet convicted of murder
Seann:  Divorce Lawyer - can’t be trusted with over $1000
Eileen:  Uber Driver - needs her own private washroom
Cherry: Civil Rights Lawyer - gets motion sickness
Rhys:     Drama Teacher - set stuffed animals on fire as a kid
Peter:    Figure Skating Judge - needs to always be in the spotlight

To conclude the meeting with prepared speech evaluator Rick,   TT evaluator Dan spent 6 minutes who gave each one of us a thorough evaluation and rooms for improvement;   next was an intriguing Grammarian report by Eileen and a super creative Timer report by Harry.    Our timer Kerri-Anne was too busy timing and didn't get a chance to pick a Jobstcles card.   She deserved to be paid overtime with left-over cracker and cheese. 

Lastly, the Best Table Topics speaker was Rick, no surprise!!  But we each determined  to set a goal to beat him, one day. 

Monday 12 March 2018

Lingo Workshop: Providing Effective Evaluation to English as Second Language Speakers in Toastmasters

On March 6, 2018 Robin Changarathil CTM and Kerrianne Koehler-Munro ACB, ALB delivered a workshop on Providing Effective Evaluation to English as Second Language Speakers in Toastmasters. Techniques and strategies for delivering evaluation to an English as a Second Language (ESL) speaker in Toastmasters were shared amongst the 19 attendees. Robin clearly defined what a non-native speaker and an ESL speaker is. He also spoke about accents versus pronunciation and recommended the manual, ‘Your Speaking Voice’ from Toastmasters International as a great resource. Kerrianne described the difference between advice and feedback and the importance of using the two evaluation techniques. It was a great workshop and the objective was met in that the attendees felt more confident in delivering evaluations to ESL speakers.

Our next meeting is March 20, 2018 at Riverbend Retirement Living by Revera at 103 Rabbit Hill Court (Road) at 7 - 8:30 pm.

Robin in action!

Robin and Kerrianne