Wednesday 28 March 2018

As Like Trump said "You are FIRED"

Submitted by Cherry Cheung

The theme for March 20, 2018 was a hot topic:   As Like Trump said "You are Fired"
11 members + 2 guests(Harry and Herrick)
It was a regular meeting turned into an extra-ordinary and educational meeting, this meeting consists of 
one prepared speech by Von  + 11 table topics speakers. 

Our all time witty Table Topics Master Peter took out 2 decks of cards called 'Jobstacles'.   Each TT speaker picked 1 card from each deck;  one deck were the job titles and the other deck were the reasons why they were fired.  
Each TT speaker then got a chance to plead  their cases why they shouldn't be fired:

TT SPEAKERS'JOB                         FIRED BECAUSE OF: 
Dan:  School Nurse - using company time and resources to plan his wedding
Rick:  Chiropractor - always spoke in rhyme
Herrick:  Talk show Host - lacked confidence
Matthew: Taxidermist - thought all of the worlds problem were about women
Harry:  Civil War Re-enactmentist - only has a short time to live
Melanie: Hollywood Agent - not yet convicted of murder
Seann:  Divorce Lawyer - can’t be trusted with over $1000
Eileen:  Uber Driver - needs her own private washroom
Cherry: Civil Rights Lawyer - gets motion sickness
Rhys:     Drama Teacher - set stuffed animals on fire as a kid
Peter:    Figure Skating Judge - needs to always be in the spotlight

To conclude the meeting with prepared speech evaluator Rick,   TT evaluator Dan spent 6 minutes who gave each one of us a thorough evaluation and rooms for improvement;   next was an intriguing Grammarian report by Eileen and a super creative Timer report by Harry.    Our timer Kerri-Anne was too busy timing and didn't get a chance to pick a Jobstcles card.   She deserved to be paid overtime with left-over cracker and cheese. 

Lastly, the Best Table Topics speaker was Rick, no surprise!!  But we each determined  to set a goal to beat him, one day. 

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