Thursday 17 May 2018

Let's Talk Royal

Submitted by Edith

“Let’s talk Royals” was the theme chosen by Toastmaster Edith for Lingo’s May 15/18 Meeting, and we did.  Not only did the true Royals in England get mentioned, we often heard members being referred to using Royal titles. However, we did have royalty among us.  Present were the outgoing (Dave) and incoming (Von Eric) Division B Directors and incoming District Financial Manager Estella, all members of Lingo. Estella is the newest member of the club. We also had two old/new guests, Bert and Darryl.  As is our tradition (knock/knock), we gave them a rousing welcome and then put them to work in evaluation roles.

Rick self claimed himself as “King Richard, Lord of the Wasps” in doing his Pathways Icebreaker under the Dynamic Leadership Path.  He certainly reigned over and conquered the multitude of wasps at his place.  He had outstanding pictures proving his wasp hunting skills. Congratulations Rick in completing Lingo’s first Pathways speech and Dave and helpers Rhys (eyes) and Darryl (ears) in doing the first evaluation.  I particularly like the evaluation part where a challenge is thrown out to the speaker, and that was to publicly share his pictures.

Cherry led the tabletopics session with some thought provoking “royalty” questions.  We heard some very passionate responses especially from Darryl as he explained his feelings about “Cottonelle” over “Royale” winning best tabletopics.

Our business meeting and elections were efficiently chaired by Melanie.  Congratulations to the newly elected officers for 2018/19: President Rick L, VP Education Dan Mc, VP Membership Cherry C, VP Public Relations Rhys, Secretary Edith B, Sgt at Arms Eileen S, and the yet to be confirmed Treasurer. Currently the Treasurer is Kerrianne K-M.

During our break, we snacked in true English style with tea and scones plus strawberries on a “Lady” bug dish. Thanks Eileen for setting up the room in a horseshoe and then putting it back. 

Von Eric is Toastmaster for our next meeting on Tuesday June 5/18 which will feature District 99 International Speech Champion Mahlon Kitching as speaker.  Our year-end celebration is June 19/18.

Yummy British Goodies.. so Elegant and Fancy!!

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