Thursday 23 August 2018

August 21 - Summary of "The Winning Ticket"

Submitted by Edith B.

Our last meeting could be labelled “The Winning Ticket” just like the theme. Toastmaster Edith B led a fun filled evening describing our winnings regarding trips, dollars, prizes and one member even told us about winning “their ❤️.” We dreamed about “what ifs” and much more.

We had two speeches, both from Pathways, level one. Eileen S went one step further with the theme, giving her first speech on her big winnings or so she thought. Based on the feedback by her evaluator, Von Eric T, she will give this speech a second time incorporating the feedback especially in using the whole stage. Rick L gave his second speech on the not so handy handyman in replacing the bathroom fan. PS, it now “purrs” like a kitten. He won best speaker and his evaluator Rhys D won best evaluator describing how pleased he was with Rick’s progress in using the stage but encouraging Rick to maintain eye contact in doing so.

Our table topics master, Estella M, followed the theme of the evening in asking us about preferences and reactions to winnings, plans for big jackpots and ways to win. Peter K won the best table topics in his three point-animated response including blasting the number picking machine. Not sure the lottery would ever be the same.

Matthew M led the evaluation team in giving very descriptive evaluations emphasizing the 3, 2, 1 method of evaluating. He talked about meetings being fun (it was) and professional. He encouraged resuming the roles of grammarian for both good and bad uses of English and the “ah” counter role.

We ended the evening with a draw for a lottery ticket labelled “win pigs fly” a play on winning when pigs fly, which is the likelihood of winning big, despite TM Edith’s lottery analysis (for those who are curious you have a one in 14 million chance of winning). Estella was the winner but the “pigs did not fly”! More importantly, we enjoyed our meeting and had fun.

In a mini business meeting led by VP Education Dan M, we voted to move our regular January meeting schedule dates due to our first workshop falling on New Year’s Day. Ten club members were present. Melanie K made a motion, Edith B seconded and the motion was carried to change the meeting dates. We will be meeting on January 15 (workshop) and January 29 (regular meeting) at our usual meeting place (Revera).

Wishing our best to District Champion Mahlon Kitching, in the Speech Contest today. We look forward to hearing about the International Convention in Chicago from those who attended (Dave C). In the meantime, you can watch the Toastmaster Convention on demand (for a fee) at

We look forward to seeing everyone in September when Toastmasters is back in full swing! 

Upcoming Events/Meetings/Reminders:

On September 4, Lingo will be hosting a Pathways & Beyond boot camp for all Toastmasters, though especially for base camp managers who want to learn about their role. Facilitator Rhys D (and other TBC DTM Toastmasters) will discuss “Pathways and Beyond” at St. Augustine’s Anglican Church (6110 Fulton Road, Edmonton). Please register in advance (seating is limited) on our Eventbrite link Pathways & Beyond boot camp. $5 will be collected at the door to cover costs.

Our next meeting is September 18 – Theme: “Life is a Playground.” Toastmaster Eileen S and club members warmly welcome guests to join us in “our playground” at Revera in Riverbend (103 Rabbit Hill Court, Edmonton). 

Lingo membership fees ($160) are due to Treasurer Kerrianne KM before September 30.

Sunday 19 August 2018

August 7 – Summary of DTM Boot Camp

Submitted by Melanie

Dan M. and Eileen S. facilitated and organized the District’s DTM Boot Camp on August 7, 2018 at St. Augustine’s Church. About 35 people prospective DTMs attended.

Several 10 minute presentations covered all of the major components towards completing a DTM, included: 
  • Club Coaching (Lorraine Wheatley)
  • Sponsoring and Mentoring Clubs (Marg Faryna)
  • District Officer (Fern Hardie on behalf of Glenn Walker)
  • High Performance Leadership (Dan McCosh)
  • Youth Leadershiip (Karen Tober)
  • Speechcraft (Rafena Ally) 
Crystal Douglas provided the attendees with several resources to help guide them into drafting and implementing a plan to DTM completion. Hard to believe, but there is only 22 months left until the traditional program expires. Let’s show each other what we’re made of!

If you weren’t able to attend this session, please contact Dan McCosh  ( who will put you in touch with resources, including a mentor to assist in keeping you accountable and on track towards the completion of your DTM!

Special thank you to Eileen S., Sergeant-at-Arms for the yummy variety of snacks and to St. Augustine’s Church for the use of their beautiful facility.

Our next regular meeting is August 21 with the theme, "The Winning Ticket".

Lastly, check out Lingo’s website ( for our next boot camp on Pathways & Beyond taking place on September 4! This boot camp will be of extra interest if you are currently a President, VP Education or Secretary of your club.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

July 17 - On Your Own but NOT Alone!

Submitted by Cherry

When Lingo Advanced is not conducting workshops, we hold regular meetings. Our theme on July 17, 2018, was "On Your Own but Not Alone.”  Meeting started at 7:01pm with a jaw breaking joke by Toastmaster Cherry.   Because there were three speeches, we did a rapid-fire introduction around the room. Each person was asked to say a line or two of:  "One thing that they don't like to do alone.” Through this exercise, we got to know more about one another.

Estella M delivered a 15 minute educational on "Evaluate to Motivate.” Estella had an ice breaker speech from Pathways almost ready to go.  When asked, she decided to challenge herself to prepare an educational in less than a day notice referring to TM International Speaker Lance Miller’s thoughts. Way to go Estella!   

Second speaker Kerrianne's speech was from the Speaking to Inform manual titled: “What's on your plate tonight?”  She informed us about what kinds of food Canada and especially Alberta produces.  e.g., Alberta beef, eggs, meat, honey, canola, and different kinds of pulses as alternatives to meat.  We are Toastmasters and we love information!  

Third speaker Rick delivered his project 2 from Level 1 of the Dynamic Leadership Path titled: “The Bathroom Fan.” He described himself as a "Not so Handy" handyman.   If you want to know how his Bathroom Fan project went, he will be delivering the same speech again for project 3 at our next regular meeting on August 21. The three speech evaluators were Edith, Estella and Rhys.

Table Topics Masters Master Eileen told us the theme, “On your own but not alone” may have some spiritual implication thus we are not alone at all.  She also asked questions on mentoring and leaving home for the first time. Table topics speakers were Rhys, Melanie and Edith. Evaluator was Dave, who stressed using the whole stage and ensuring proper salutation. 

 Winning awards were: 

-Best speaker: Rick
-Best evaluator: Rhys
-Best table topics speaker: Edith

Thank you Melanie for tabulating the awards plus keeping us on time and providing us with a full report at the end of the meeting so we may better control our time.

Dan gave us a thorough General Evaluation report for things we missed and things we can  improve to live up to being a professional advanced club.

Thank you to all for attending, I could have tried to hold this meeting on my own but I was not alone.

However, stay tuned for upcoming details about the DTM Boot Camp held on August 7 that replaced our regular workshop schedule and location.