Wednesday 15 August 2018

July 17 - On Your Own but NOT Alone!

Submitted by Cherry

When Lingo Advanced is not conducting workshops, we hold regular meetings. Our theme on July 17, 2018, was "On Your Own but Not Alone.”  Meeting started at 7:01pm with a jaw breaking joke by Toastmaster Cherry.   Because there were three speeches, we did a rapid-fire introduction around the room. Each person was asked to say a line or two of:  "One thing that they don't like to do alone.” Through this exercise, we got to know more about one another.

Estella M delivered a 15 minute educational on "Evaluate to Motivate.” Estella had an ice breaker speech from Pathways almost ready to go.  When asked, she decided to challenge herself to prepare an educational in less than a day notice referring to TM International Speaker Lance Miller’s thoughts. Way to go Estella!   

Second speaker Kerrianne's speech was from the Speaking to Inform manual titled: “What's on your plate tonight?”  She informed us about what kinds of food Canada and especially Alberta produces.  e.g., Alberta beef, eggs, meat, honey, canola, and different kinds of pulses as alternatives to meat.  We are Toastmasters and we love information!  

Third speaker Rick delivered his project 2 from Level 1 of the Dynamic Leadership Path titled: “The Bathroom Fan.” He described himself as a "Not so Handy" handyman.   If you want to know how his Bathroom Fan project went, he will be delivering the same speech again for project 3 at our next regular meeting on August 21. The three speech evaluators were Edith, Estella and Rhys.

Table Topics Masters Master Eileen told us the theme, “On your own but not alone” may have some spiritual implication thus we are not alone at all.  She also asked questions on mentoring and leaving home for the first time. Table topics speakers were Rhys, Melanie and Edith. Evaluator was Dave, who stressed using the whole stage and ensuring proper salutation. 

 Winning awards were: 

-Best speaker: Rick
-Best evaluator: Rhys
-Best table topics speaker: Edith

Thank you Melanie for tabulating the awards plus keeping us on time and providing us with a full report at the end of the meeting so we may better control our time.

Dan gave us a thorough General Evaluation report for things we missed and things we can  improve to live up to being a professional advanced club.

Thank you to all for attending, I could have tried to hold this meeting on my own but I was not alone.

However, stay tuned for upcoming details about the DTM Boot Camp held on August 7 that replaced our regular workshop schedule and location.

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