Monday 25 March 2019

March 19 & 20 Club & Area Evaluation & Speech Contests

Submitted by Melanie K.
Photos by Kerrianne K-M

Congratulations to Cherry Cheung who placed first at both Lingo’s evaluation club contest (March 19) and the Area B51 evaluation contest (March 20). Cherry has advanced to competing in the Division B contest (April 6)!
Evaluation contest:
First place Cherry Cheung
(Lingo Advanced Communicator club)
Second place Xiao Xu            
(Riverbend Toastmasters Club)
Third place Rizwan Kanji    
(Riverbend Toastmasters Club)

Speech Contest:
First place Kalutota SamaraSinghe 
(Golden Mountain Club)
Second place Rizwan Kanji                
(Riverbend Toastmasters Club)
Third place Kate Wan                     
(Golden Mountain Toastmasters Club)
First and second place contestants from both the contests qualify to compete in the Division B contest. Good luck to all the contestants!

Division B Contest:
Date: April 6, 2019
Time: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Devon Community Centre, 20 Haven Avenue, Devon, Alberta

Lingo’s club Evaluation & Speech contests held March 19, 2019
Thank you to all our Judges, Volunteers, and Contestants!

 Left to Right: Eileen, Cherry, Melanie
 Evaluation contest:
 First place Cherry Cheung
 Second place Eileen Szakacs            
 Third place Melanie Kruger


 Left to Right: Cherry, Eileen, Dan (Chair),
 Melanie, Edith (Toastmaster)
 Speech Contest:
 First place Cherry Cheung
 Second place Eileen Szakacs            
 Third place Melanie Kruger

Monday 11 March 2019

March 5 - Mardi Gras

Submitted by Edith B

 “Could have been the awesome king’s cake, might have been the beads.

Could have been the two speeches or the three Tabletopics, 

I don't know, but this is the fun we had.”

(Thanks Irish Rovers for the lyrics, my granddaughter Susan B for baking the cake and Lingo Advanced Toastmasters for a great meeting).
As Toastmaster, I (Edith B) passed on the information I learned about the meaning of the Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday – “During Lent, Christians give up certain vices or fast to show their faith in God”*). colours (purple - justice, green - faith, and gold - power), and the other festivities held during Mardi Gras although none of us have actually attended the official event in New Orleans. Dave C came close, thus his abundance of beads. Estella M got right into the theme.

Kerrianne K-M speaking from the “Speaking  to inform” Advanced Manual told us about “The Transparent Egg” a fact-finding report on the safety of eggs, opening with a very graphic video involving chickens. Cherry C’s speech “To be or not to be” Pathways Project - Strategic Relationships gave comparative aspects of two events in her life.  She incorporated the evaluation and feedback received from her Icebreaker speech.  Cherry won best speaker. 

In Tabletopics we heard about 1) Cherry’s wish to overindulge in dark chocolate (70%) - I think we could taste it with her vivid description, 2) Kerrianne’s dress up party - I think we could visualize the toga, and 3) Seann H’s participation at parades, he is an “active parade....watcher.” He won best tabletopics as well as best evaluator. 

Our business meeting, chaired by VP Ed Dan Mc, mainly involved discussion on our upcoming speech contest (March 19) and filling roles for the Area 51 contest (March 20). 

Surprise! Cherry took the “baby” (a chocolate lamb) from the King’s cake, indicating she should host the next event. Good thing as she is facilitating Lingo’s upcoming workshop - “Acing the Interview” on April 2 (see below for further details).  Kerrianne is facilitating a Pecha Kucha style event on May 7.  Watch for more info on these exciting events from Lingo Advanced Communicators by visiting our website:

*Learn more about Mardi Gras

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