Wednesday 6 March 2019

Feb. 19 – Family Connections

Submitted by Melanie K

This year Family Day was celebrated on Feb. 18. Alberta was the first province to celebrate Family Day as a holiday. Toastmaster Melanie K chose family connections as the theme for this meeting. Club members shared their Family Day or family weekend stories. Melanie opened the meeting with some quotes about family and was curious as to how some people not close to or involved with their families made their way through life. Family though, is not always related by blood (DNA).

Having somewhere to go is a home.
Having someone to love is a family.
Having both is a blessing. ~Unknown

Dan M made an inspiring speech (Project#10) from the Competent Communicators manual regarding politics and reasons to be more interested in politics, especially since there are two elections this year – provincial and federal. Most importantly, get out and vote, many people died for the rights and freedoms we take for granted today!

Rick L and Estella M tied for best Table Topic speaker. Thank you Edith B for your enlightening and thought provoking questions related to family and achieving success!

Our next meeting is March 5.

Club speech contest is March 19. If you are interested in either participating in the speech contests (International Speech and/or Evaluation) or volunteering to assist with the contests, contact VP Education, Dan M.

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