Wednesday 22 May 2019

Loyalty Programs, Time Travel & Club Officer Election ... Oh My!

Submitted by Edith B.

What a team! Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters members did it again! Do we know a thing or two about “time travel” - probably not other than the “Back to the Future” movies we all saw back in the 1980s. However, we certainly do know about our loyalty cards, how to collect points and miles, and where the best bargains are. We were also treated to Rick’s third Pathways speech Level II on Mentoring. He enlightened us on the difference between coaching and mentoring. The highlight of the meeting, besides bargain priced snacks (thanks to Edith), was our elections.  No time travel there, though we did have campaign speeches for President. Congratulations to our newly elected 2019-2020 executive officers:

President Dan M
VP Ed Cherry C
VP Membership Edith B
VP PR Rhys D
Treasurer Estella M
Secretary Kerrianne K-M
Sgt at Arms Rick L. 

Thank you to the outgoing executive officers for all your hard work. 

Come visit us on June 4th, for the Rick and Dan show featuring guest speaker TJ Johnson (Member of GoPro Speakers and Millwoods Vocabulaires Toastmaster clubs), D99 International Speech Champion. Show TJ your support and also hear what Rick and Dan are up to. See you at Revera Riverbend 103 Rabbit Hill Court, 7-9 pm.

Members please note our year-end gathering has been moved to June 25th - details to follow.

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