Wednesday 24 June 2020

It is a beautiful evening in the neighbourhood- Let's "WINE” up/down year-end celebration

Submitted by Edith B
Jun 16, 2020 Lingo Advanced Toastmasters had a “delightful” evening at our “wine” down year end event. Much like this year, it was certainly not the norm. With our hand puppet in one hand and our favourite beverages, ranging from Edmonton tap water to wine, of course, in the other, we toasted our achievements. Congratulations to triple crown winner, Kerrianne K-M, on her DTM. What a ride! Congratulations are also in order to Estella M on her pending DTM (paperwork in progress) as she burned the candle at both ends this year. Melanie K also had achievements worthy of noting. Special kudos to Cherry C on being chosen as Lingo’s Toastmaster of the Year. She was particularly noted for getting it all done.
We were also delighted to assist guest, Oksana N, in pursuit of achieving her ACG by opening a spot for her to give a speech entitled “Farewell to Traditional Education” discussing the end of the traditional Toastmaster Program for the new Pathways program. Well done Oksana.
Our outgoing President Dan M, spoke from the “Special Occasions” manual to present “A year in review.” Despite the change in the way we meet and the changes to come, it can be summed up as a very good year. Only good things will come in the future as Bonnie W, outgoing Area 51 Director, and one of two new Lingo members takes up the role as incoming president.
To round out the evening, puppet in hand, Richard M, Div B Director joined us to install the new executive: Bonnie W (President), Dan M (VP Education), Edith B (VP Membership), Cherry C (VP PR), Estella M (Secretary), Shiao X (Treasurer) and Eileen S (Sgt at Arms). Congratulations to the new executive. Thank you to Richard and Congratulations on becoming D99 Club Growth Director for 20/21.
Votes tonight went to Shiao X, Bonnie W, and guest, Oksana N for best Intro/TT response and to Cherry C for most creative hand puppet. Virtual telegrams were created and read by Toastmaster Edith B in paying tribute to all members.
Wow, what a “delightful” beautiful evening in the neighbourhood. We look forward to much more in 2020/21 starting with our “Amazing Race” meeting July 7th. You are welcome to join us then or any first or third Tuesday of the month, 7-8:30 pm via Zoom, for now.

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