Wednesday 3 March 2021

March 2, 2021 And the Nominees are...

Toastmaster Estella opened the meeting with a question about what we liked about the Golden Globes Award. Comments varied from attire (ladies colour of the year appears to be pink or yellow), the introductions, how the awards inspire us to either prepare by watching the nominated shows ahead of time or putting them on our to watch list. There was even a bit of envy for JLo’s dress. Accolades (word of the day) goes to Eileen for doing triple roles (timer, grammarian and ah counter) and to Rhys for his quizmaster questions and ballot counting. 

And the best nominee is ......”Mamma Mia” as presented by Edith. While the movie was a hit, the technical glitches failed big time; however, speech evaluator/Sgt at Arms Shiao was dancing in her seat. Other nominees were Dan’s Canadian production “Trotski.”  His passion for the movie was felt by his evaluator Yeshu, who won best Evaluator.  Bonnie brought the movie “To Kill a mockingbird” back to life in pointing out the positives and negatives of this movie, which Estella evaluated. 

We all enjoyed the evening and suggested that we do this again, opening the program to guest movie presentations - wonder if Meryl Streep or Pierce Bronson are busy that night. 

Submitted by Edith Baraniecki

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