Wednesday 7 July 2021

July 6, 2021 Joint Meeting Extravaganza

In discussing our Theme: ”release from captivity,” 15 of us gathered from four toastmasters clubs: Lingo Advanced Communicators, Fabulous Facilitators, Riverbend and Golden Mountain.  What a release!  led by TM Cherry C.  We had two new and improved speeches (their repeat speeches in Level 1 Pathways project 3).  Anisha R (Riverbend) spoke with a good strong voice on “Why Diversity and Inclusion matter now?” and Gary T (Fabulous Facilitators) spoke with humour on his trifold “Second Shot” (vaccine, video game, and TM). This is actually the second shot at toastmasters for both of these speakers, you could tell.  

With being released, we were challenged by Club Growth Director Dan Mc to personally contact 25 of our acquaintances to tell them about Toastmasters, much like you would tell a friend about a good book and a fantastic restaurant that you like.  Best Tabletopics was won by Hope in discussing what she missed the most this past year, of course friends/family. While all the evaluators had suggestions for improvement with speeches and Tabletopics, we were to “deter” (WOD) using the term “back to you" & "without further ado"  these pet peeves as per Division C Director Peter H.  General Evaluator Rhys D (also Area B51 Director) commented on how we did “gel” as a group within the meeting, it would have been useful with Zoom to come early and informally introduce ourselves.  There were lots of lessons learned from these trio and the rest of us. 

Our next joint summer venture will be hosted by Fabulous Facilitators on July 20th 7 pm MST when we will be discussing “a new skill.”  Do you have a “prowess” (WOD) in a new one learned this past year? 

Written by Edith B (Lingo and Fabulous Facilitators)

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