Thursday 7 October 2021

October 5, 2021 Workshop: Presentation Mastery

Our monthly Workshop on Oct 5 was all about Pathways: “Presentation Mastery” as in how to better master our presentation skills.  This time not only did we advertise this workshop on D99 fan page and Eventbrite, we also invited Fabulous Facilitators Club to join us.   Our numbers remained small but we were mighty as always. 

Sgt-at-arms Shiao X opened the meeting with positive energy & housekeeping details for Zoom meeting.  Toastmaster Edith B. asked everyone to give a mini opening speech with one tip to improve presentation, perhaps thinking back to a presentation or speech they may have given well or not at one time.  Then, she asked everyone to vote for the best opening speech speaker.  

Prepared speeches: Our first prepared speech speaker was a guest from Fabulous Facilitator Gary T. with his speech “Climate Change: An overview” filled with his thoughtful and effective power point slides along with his descriptive narration, it was very educational.  2nd speaker Cherry C. gave us some hands on learning on Zoom Whiteboard using annotation key under view option and how to save/add new pages.   3rd speaker Dan M. showed us how to use power point effectively, Dan asked questions and audience commented on Chat, not only was it interactive but it also connected to the audience, his session followed by an exercise in three breakout rooms. One person to handle creative writing, one to search internet for pictures and another person to get TM template. Then, they were reported back to the big group.   Lochlan K commented on chat that he loved the breakout room experience.  

Evaluations: Cherry evaluated Gary, Edith evaluated Cherry, Eileen evaluated Dan’s session.  

Winners: Best opening speech speaker was Peter H.,  best speaker Gary T., best evaluator Eileen. 

Again, it was a fun, learning experience, but that is what Toastmasters is all about. 

Our next meeting will be on Oct 19, our theme will be: "Why Thanksgiving & Halloween in the same month?"   It is between Thanksgiving and Halloween also it is another “Day After” municipal elections.  Wonder if Toastmaster Shaio will change the theme or not.  

Submitted by Cherry C, DTM 


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