Thursday 18 November 2021

Nov 16, 2021 Theme: "Idioms"

“It takes two to tango” and that is what Lingo Advanced Communicators and Fabulous Facilitators Toastmasters Clubs did on November 16/21 as we introduced ourselves with our favorite “Idioms.” Toastmaster of the evening, “Action Hero” Cherry C, announced a three way tie for the best idiom:  Oksana N, anything to do with time, e.g. time flies; Gary T, with “a Piece of Cake” which was also the word of the day, because he likes food; and Cam B, with “Raining cats and dogs” which may have been preferable to Edmonton’s weather then.

There were two speeches: 1) Gary’s L2 re Effective Body Language and its importance (don’t shrug your shoulders unless you really mean it) and 2) Xi X’s L4 elective: Managing an Online meeting re “Unconscious Bias” which I am sure everyone has either experienced or has been guilty one time or other.  It was a great discussion complete with breakout rooms and reporting back. Speech Evaluators Eileen S and Lochlan K gave good suggestions to enhance the speeches.

The evaluators, lead by General Evaluator Edith B, were diligent in fulfilling their roles: Peter H as grammarian/Ah counter, although speaking of body language, we saw him cringe when members said “Back to you.” Lynn B, who was flashing timing lights (although this time she was not sitting in the dark) as we tried without success to pack a lot into an hour, and Oksana as Quizmaster, who tried without success, too, to stump us.  All in all this joint effort had lots of “Food for thought.” It was “a piece of cake.”  

Fabulous Facilitators meets again on November 23/21 at 7 pm MST and Lingo Advanced Communicators on December 7/21 at 7 PM MST.  Zoom in for one of these or both. Peter H, DTM, Division C Director and πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘ award recipient reminded club officers of the first winter COT on Saturday November 20/21. 

Blog written by Edith B, VPPR for both clubs

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