Saturday 8 October 2022

October 4, 2022: Job Interview workshop


Lingo Advanced Communicators had a great meeting/workshop Tuesday October 4/22 re interviewing. While there were only six of us, we all interacted very well. Edith gave a Level 5 speech under Engaging Humour - “Both Sides of the Desk - what I learned”  (20 min) and incorporated interaction of members. Eileen had us participate in Jeopardy re interviews for TableTopics. Such a neat twist to things. Just goes to show the advantage of an Advanced Club, we can dare to be different. 

Even though the theme for our next meeting is “The Poseidon Adventure - A sinking ship,” we are not. Rhys is TM for our next meeting and as soon as the agenda is refreshed for this meeting, sign up to take your part in keeping our ship afloat.    Submitted by Edith Baraniecki, DTM, Club President

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