Thursday 17 November 2016

Lingo Meeting: The US Election: Finally Over

Our November meeting was a great example of "acquiescence" (knock, knock as tracked by Robin C) as the seven members present and our honored guest Area Director Dan M readily filled roles to ensure we had a successful meeting led by Toastmaster Bob B. Our theme was "The US election: Finally over." Melanie K as Sgt at Arms and snackmaster gave us some history on our Toastmasters' long toastmaster career.

Darryl gave us a dramatic speech from the Entertaining Speaker Advanced Manual about the memories he had when he visited with his mother on a blustery day at the graveside of his grandparents in Melville, Saskatchewan. His evaluators, Edith B re the objectives, Melanie K the "eyes" evaluator and Robin C the "ears" evaluator spoke positively of his speech and suggested a few more pictures would have even mesmerized us more.

Rick L led our Table topics session, which was brought to us by the number 2 and the letter Y, asking us for two reasons and to state why about various aspects of the Trump/Clinton campaign.  Our responses were evaluated by duel role Timer and Table Topics Evaluator Kerrianne K-M to be quite balanced.  Robin won best Table topics when he spoke about the positives of one candidate - guess who?

Area Director/General Evaluator Dan spoke about his warm welcome but said he missed a printed agenda to keep us all on track.  However, we did squeeze a business meeting in where we approved the budget and decided to hold our seasonal celebration on December 6th as planned by Wendy due to no meeting venue for that date. December 20th will be a regular meeting at the Riverbend Library.  It may be a good time to give that speech or educational you wanted to give before the new year.  We will not have a January 3rd meeting but are hoping to hold an Open House on January 17th.  Stay tuned.

Be sure to sign up as facilitator/Toastmaster for a workshop and/or meeting in 2017 and bring guests. Let's make 2017 the year we really shine and reach our goal of 20 members.

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