Monday 19 December 2016

Lingo TM Annual Holiday Party!!

Lingo Advanced Communicators had their Annual Holiday Party last Tuesday, Dec 6 at Sandman Signature Hotel which we were served with Chop Menu item.  The room was spacious and private which was perfect for us to host our dinner party.  We had a great attendance and guests this evening despite the cold weather outside!

Our Division Governor, Dave Cartledge was also present.  He drove all the way from Red Deer to attend our celebration.   He also presented the Advanced Communicator Bronze award to Melanie!  Congrats to Melanie!!! and  Thank you Dave for being there with us!!

We started the party with Seann Haver and Melanie Kruger's Talent show, the person can either

1. Sing Christmas Songs
2. Tell Christmas Stories
3. Tell Christmas Jokes

We really do have talented members singing and telling Christmas stories which were quite enjoyable and touching.  Thanks to everyone, I did capture all the clips which I will post later on in this article.  This was very well received and a great way of entertainment before dinner!

Dinner was delicious! Really good food from Chop!

Following Dinner, we had Table Topics.  How can a Toastmasters event without Table Topics!
Robin Changarathil was our Table Topic Master, he came out with good holiday questions for our members.  We all voted for the best Table Topic speaker!

Before we announced the winners for both the Best Talent Member and Best Table Topic speaker, we had our President Edith Baraniecki to send her greetings and announcements.

The winner for the best Talent show goes to Robin Changarathil, Will have to listen to his winning Christmas story when he was in Korea.

The winner for the best Table Topics goes to Peter Kolotyluk who were asked a question whether we should be using Merry Christmas vs other way of greeting such as Season's Greetings.  Peter, the usual, him, just "don't care".

Congrats to both of you!

Peter ended with a lovely dance with our hostess at the hotel.. beautiful! 

Thanks and Wish everyone a Happy Holidays!  See you in the New Year!

Please stay tune for more photos and videos to be posted here!

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