Wednesday 4 January 2017

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year

Lingo Advanced Communicators are looking forward for a year of challenges!
As TI's Photo suggested, we will be having our Executive Meeting on Monday, January 9th to discuss our plan for this year!  Here is an article from TI that I thought would be perfect to be posted at the beginning of the year!

Lets all set our goals too, both Toastmasters related, Work related, or personal related!!

How to Plan for a Successful Year

Learn the Keys to Effective Goal Setting

Now that the New Year is here, it is the perfect time to set goals for your club or district. If you’ve had difficulty achieving membership or other goals in the past, maybe it was because you tried to accomplish too much at once and were overwhelmed. This year, use these goal-setting tips, and map out a successful step-by-step plan you can easily follow:
  1. Focus on one or two main goals – Choose just one or two larger goals to pursue this year. This can be difficult, but narrowing your focus is essential and will allow you to better concentrate on whichever goal(s) you choose.
  2. Create subgoals – After you’ve settled on your main goal(s) for the year, it’s time to break it down into monthly subgoals to make the larger objective more manageable. Think of the most important tasks you need to accomplish to reach your main goal, and assign those tasks to each month of the year. Segmenting the process this way will help you visualize what you need to do every month to stay on track.
  3. Create microgoals – Make your monthly goals more manageable by breaking them into four microgoals, which can be thought of as weekly goals. This will help you avoid the temptation to procrastinate and leave all your subgoal duties for the end of each month. You can also segment your weekly microgoals into daily tasks so that you’ll know each day what you need to do to stay on schedule.
Remember, the key to goal setting is staying organized. Take the time to understand what you need to do every month, week and day this year in order to reach your larger goals, and then get started. Good luck!

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