Friday 13 October 2017

Area B51 Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contest Recap

What a fantastic contest!!  Area B51 Contest was held on Wednesday, October 11 at 7:00pm.  We had a full house of contestants, assistants, and guests.  All four clubs had representatives for the contest!  This is what I call a perfect contest!! :)

Golden Mountain - Trudy Boyer      
Lingo Advanced Communicators - Eileen Szakacs
Riverbend Toastmaster - Rizwan Kanji
ToastMapsters - David Reid and Maribel Goshko

LtoR: Edith, Trudy, Eileen, Daniel, and Maribel

LtoR: Edith, Rizwan, Trudy, Daniel, and Eileen

It was an awesome facility that ToastMapsters hosted, it was at their office location, Alberta Pension Services (APS).  The contest started with the Humorous Speech which brought lots of laughters to the room.  Our table topics would be the most nerve-wracking contest!!  The one question that all contestants had to answer was “If you could take anyone on a bucket list adventure with you, who would it be and what would you both do?”  It was great to see the places that contestants come up with and the person they would bring along to the journey!  

Most Importantly,  the winners of the contests are… drum roll please… 

Humorous Speech Contest - Daniel Reid (1st) and Maribel Goshko (2nd) 
Table Topic Contest - Rizwan Kanji (1st) and Daniel Reid (2nd)

Congratulations to all the winners and especially the contestants for putting their effort into this contest.  A contest will not be successful without you guys and a group of assistants helping out:

Contest Toastmaster - Edith Baraniecki (Lingo)
Sgt-at-Arms & Contest Chair - Wendy Lam (Lingo)
Ballot Counters: Nadim Kalim (Riverbend) and Maggie Sun (Golden Mountain)
Timers: Kate Wan (Golden Mountain) and Sylvia Periera (ToastMapsters)

Thank you for all your hard work!

Last but not least, our list of judges, our Chief Judge, Wang Yip, did a tremendous job in guiding our judges and assistants!  Also to the rest of the judges who needs to be remain anonymous.  Thanks again for taking time off your busy schedule to come, your help is greatly appreciated!  

We even finished on time!  The Division B contest will be held at Devon on October 28, 2017.  More information will follow.  I would like to wish all contestants the best of luck as they advance to Division and hopefully District level at the Fall Conference!!! Please cheer on them!!

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