Thursday 5 October 2017

Speaking to Inform Workshop – Oct. 3 & New Member: Matthew!!

Submitted by Melanie Kruger

Dave Cartledge, DTM (or rather Golfer John Daly) facilitated the Speaking to Inform Workshop, noting that we are already daily do speaking to inform. Dave mentioned there are four reasons for speaking: about objects, processes, events. He had groups break into small groups to discuss and share ideas with the larger group about examples they have seen at Toastmaster meetings they had attended. Dave also provided the audience with a handout on THINKING. Thirteen attended, including guests: Estella, Karen, Kim, Margaret, and Matthew. Congratulations to Matthew Mercredi for joining Lingo and becoming our newest member!

Melanie Kruger, ACB ALB or rather Morticia Addams (too bad we didn’t get a picture) took us through Project 3 – The Demonstration with a visual process complete with some common household items and tips for how we can get rid of too many things cluttering up our physical living spaces and how clutter can negatively impact both our mental well-being and even our weight! Start with not only the intention to declutter, but also take action. Have three bins available to sort your stuff into:  Keep, Toss/Donate and Unsure. Once you’ve identified the items to keep, put them away right away. For Toss/Donate box up and remove from your home right away. For Unsure items, box for 30 days, revisit after 30 days and give away whatever was not taken out of the box. Repeat this whole process again after 30 days. If clearing out your entire house is too much, start in 15-30 minute spurts. Tackle the junk drawer, then a closet one day. Next day, pick another small project. People in generally have a hard time parting with stuff either due to sentimental reasons (guilt) or ‘someday’ the stuff will be useful. Realize that ‘someday’ never comes and you don’t need to feel guilty for parting with items that are no longer useful to you or your family. This speech was based and inspired by Adam Dachis’ weblog De-crapify Your Life! For further details review Dachis’ weblog:

Rick Lebeuf, DTM provided a verbal evaluation of Melanie’s speech. Edith Baraniecki, DTM promoted her workshop on Specialty Speeches (Item 226E) taking place on November 7th and successfully recruited three speakers/participants – Cherry, Dan and Eileen.

Rhys Davies, DTM is the next Toastmaster for our October 17 meeting. Area Director Tolu Adelowkan will be in attendance. The theme is Halloween. Please come dressed in your best Halloween costume! Booriffic decorations and Spooktacular treats will be provided once again! All Toastmasters and guests are welcome to attend.

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