Tuesday 12 December 2017

Workshop Recap: Communication on Video

Submitted by Cherry Cheung

Our Agenda was jam packed as was our room tonight.  The meeting was attended by Edith, Bob,  Dan, Dave, Rhys, Matthew, Von Eric, Ellen, Melanie, Kerrianne, Eileen,  Peter, Rick and Cherry plus 3 guests:  Barry, Estella and Dresdin.    Total attendance:  17   

This special event was co-chaired by Rick Lebeuf and Cherry Cheung 

Video is part of our daily lives.  Some people videotape themselves on facebook daily, yet others cover their faces, say no comment, just laugh, say nothing at all or run away.  It is very likely that we will appear at least once in our life time on television - perhaps in a news interview, a panel discussion, a talk show, a documentary program, a training program or even a televised Toastmasters club meeting.  Whatever the program format, it's important that you are able to communicate effectively on video. 
Some highlight in our agenda:

Project #1: "Straight Talk" in front of 3 cameras and recorded.  Dan McCosh delivered a 3 minute speech on a subject which is dominating society, but which does not get much exposure:          "Male - Female power balance".  His speech was evaluated by Matthew Mercredi, Matthew said Dan used the word: Mansplain in his speech.  Dan must have watched Premier Rachel Notley as she said another MLA was 'mansplaining'.

Project #2  "The Interview Show" and  Project # 3  "When you are the Host" conducted by Melanie, the host who interviewed her guest Kerrianne Koehler-Munro who's listed as an Environmental specialist and Edmonton's 2017 Citizen of the Year for Sustainable Living.  Tonight's show connected the local community to sustainable resources right in their own backyards, The title was "Living green Matters"   Both projects were delivered within the same interview show, Kerrianne was evaluated by Von Eric and Melanie was evaluated by Ellen.  

Project # 5  "Instructing on the Internet" pre-recorded video by our guest speaker Barry Murphy from Downtowner Toastmasters club,  Barry just joined Toastmasters this Sept 2017 this year, He is passionate and focused on mastering the art of speaking and aspires to use his words, energy and passion for life to help inspire others to reach their full potential,  The title of his video was "Harvest Your mind".  Barry said if you can see things in your mind and you should be able to hold it in your hands.   I was so inspired to try to visualize a million dollars in my mind and ...nothing (I guess I  must have miss-applied his theory)   Barry was evaluated by Bob Barker.

Due to the time restraint and technical issues, we were not able to play Kerrianne and Melanie's video at the meeting but it will be on private youtube for everyone's viewing.

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