Friday 5 January 2018

First Workshop of 2018 on Parliamentary Procedures!

Submitted by Edith Baraniecki, DTM

You probably “Wonder …” what excites a retired/distinguished toastmaster? Well, it is no ”… Secret”, it is meetings!!!  Bob Barker DTM presented an excellent workshop on "Parliamentary Procedure 101 - the basics" at the first Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters Meeting for 2018.

Bob succinctly went over the chart of motions dividing the list in to Privileged (1-5), Subsidiary (6-12), the original main motion (13), Incidental (14-21) and Bring Back to the Assembly motions (22 - rescind and 23 - reconsider).  He reviewed a few definitions like by-laws, motion, parliamentary authority, presiding officer, quorum and standing rules and went over the common order of business and a few principles of parliamentary law.  Bob explained the six steps to handling a main motion and when to vote or not to vote.  

Thank you to Bob for presenting, his assistant, Patricia aka Vanna or yummy carrot cake/cinnamon bun server and guest Carol for attending as well as the nine members, who many of us need to hear this subject over and over again to get it. 

Our next meeting is January 16/18 at Riverbend Retirement Living by Revera at 103 Rabbit Hill Court (Road) at 7 - 8:30 pm President Melanie Kruger is Toastmaster and we look forward to hearing from Cheryl Persson about the new Toastmasters Pathways Program.  

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