Thursday 5 November 2020

Nov 3, 2020 WOW meetings workshop

For this month's workshop, we also chose a theme:  "A Live Moment of Mock Wedding via zoom" 

The story line behind this mock wedding:  the original wedding plan began in Feb2019, wedding Minister was booked since, deposit paid for a party of 100 persons at the Westin Hotel. Also 100 of wedding souvenirs were prepared, (see picture) 

However, the bride just returned 2 days ago from Russia after visiting her sick mom and must be quarantined for another 12 days. In light of the recent incident where 49 people were infected at a Calgary wedding, therefore,  this wedding has been downscaled to online only; no physical contact.

SAA,  Edith B  aka Sasha who's the bride's long time friend also the Matron of Honour for the night who opened the meeting while wedding processional music playing.        WOD: "fool".    No grammarian was required as we were not necessarily say the word but to have foolish fun all night.  

Our workshop speaker Cherry emphasized that as a leader, it is our job to ensure all meetings are WOW ones that should 1) serve a specific purpose, 2) stay on task, 3) engage the attendees and 4) provide value.     Due to this happy occasion, the objectives evaluation was kept silent and evaluated by Edith. 

Let the party began:  Cherry introduced herself as MC of the mock wedding, The wedding minister Dan M. aka Toastmasters junkie who belongs to 4 TM clubs and V.P. Ed of Lingo performed the wedding ceremony like a pro, because he witnessed many times in his church. So he married the bride Yeshu and the groom Estella and validated the union of two people on papers but the physical union must wait for another 12 days.  

After the ceremony, we invited the Best man also the best friend of the groom, Xiao gave us some very interesting facts about the groom when they were young, ended with a toast to congratulate the newlyweds. Followed by the groom who expressed how fortunate he was finally able to tie the knot with the bride. The groom was able to hold the tears. Next we had the groom's father Dan who was also very happy for the groom being so lucky.

During the break, we cut the imaginary cake and drank our Russian vodka (Gorka in Russia) 

Meeting then reconvened with the toast from the bride's father, Eileen S,  it was 7:00am in Russia with very dim lighting over there.  The father of bride gave a touching speech about the bride's return to Russia, she was able to mend the mother's aching heart. The father of bride was in tears a couple times. They were so happy that the bride was able to return to Canada in time for her wedding. Then, the bride Yeshu also gave us a heartfelt thanks to all and told us.  The bride found out the groom didn't have a swimming pool but did not call off the wedding.  Each toasts & praise were followed by a 1 minute "Eyes & Ears" evaluation by Eileen, Dan, Cherry, Dan again and  Xiao respectively.  The groom Estella double duty as the timer, so many of us to time and no time for the groom to cry.  

Highlight of the night was the Matron of honour Edith B who taught us some Russian  e.g. the bride's name was Lada means a Slavic goddess of beauty and Gold was chosen as her wedding colours,  отец otets = father ,  матьmat' = mother , младенцы mladentsy = Babies. Babushka, or granny,  or baba =married woman.

Gorko!  Wedding toasts are often wrapped up with a shout of “Gorko!” which means bitter. This is a signal for the newlyweds to kiss, which will work in 12 days. Tradition says the sweetness of their kiss will enhance the ‘bitter’ drinks.  

Edith showed us a big loaf of round bread 'on air' and explained that  it is tradition that the newlyweds take a bite of a traditional bread loaf that is heavy on salt. The superstition dictates that the person who takes the biggest bite will become the head of their future household. We will compare bites later.    She held up a bottle of vodka and a crystal glass and explained why it had to be crystal:   if the glass shatters into many shards, each piece signifies a year of happy marriage.  Now let us raise our crystal glasses and shout “Gorko.”   Then Edith asked the bride if she liked to release a balloon with her maiden name written on it, as she begins her new life in 12 days with her new name or in this 2020 and you will keep your maiden name.  Following all these Russian virtues, Edith also gave us a general evaluation of the wedding. We had so much fun, non-stopped foolishness.  Thank you everyone for so prepared and all playing our parts well. Good job everyone     Submitted by Cherry C.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

October 20, 2020

 It wasn’t a scary story after all - in fact, it was great.

I am referring to the joint “Scary Stories” meeting between Lingo Advanced Toastmasters and Fabulous Facilitators clubs on Tuesday October 20/2020. Thirteen of us were dressed as witches, decked out in hats, creepy glasses or just our scary lighted selves. When asked by witch Toastmaster Edith B, all members indicated what gave them ‘perturbation’: rodents, heights, flying, being caught with or without a Halloween costume or in a housecoat were some of the items.
First speaker, Mrs X (Xiao) in her chef hat and apron, was interviewed by Estella, Evaluator, regarding her Restaurant X, a not-for-profit eatery suffering during this Covid year. Both did an excellent job.
Second speaker, Yeshu, informed us about her son’s debating experience in her speech “Debating Debate.” Evaluator Oksana said Yeshu came off as a very professional speaker. She wondered if she was watching a YouTube video. Speaker #3 was Lynn speaking direct from her daughter’s bowling game. Lynn’s speech “A little big scare” was just that as she gave as a very descriptive, per evaluator Dan, story of one of the feats she had to accomplish in pursuing her military career. After her speech, Lynn said we would not see her on “American Ninja Warriors” ever.
The highlight of the night was creepy witch Tabletopics Master Cherry, who started a story about a Ouija board experience that all responders had a minute each to continue the story where the last person left off - members took the story to the airport, Canada Place, flying as an unidentified object or bird on October 31st and back to the Ouija board. What a whirlwind and fun. Poor timer, Eileen was kept very busy. According to Evaluator Rhys backed up by alien sound effects Cam won best Tabletopics with his own sound effects.
General Evaluator Peter was impressed with our joint meeting. Quizmaster Lochlan stumped us when none of us remembered Peter’s movie reference to the Chevy Chase’s movie “Christmas Vacation” and being scared on a ladder. During evaluations Dan reminded us that the time was 20:20 on October 20, 2020. If that was not scary enough, Edith reminded us that with turning our clocks back after October 31st, we have the pleasure of one more hour of 2020 than our fellow District 99 Toastmasters in Saskatchewan.
So ended our scary stories meeting - a great success. Fabulous Facilitators will have their own Halloween Meeting October 27th unless they are too scared to do so. Lingo Advanced Toastmasters next meeting is a “Wow” meetings WORKSHOP on November 3rd. Toastmasters, besides enhancing our speaking and leadership skills, certainly get our creative juices flowing. Also noted was how we have all improved in our Zoom portrayal (thanks Lynn for the picture). Written by DTM Edith B, member of both clubs.

Wednesday 7 October 2020

October 6, 2020 ZOOM Workshop: Audience Engagement

Submitted by Cherry Cheung & Edith Baranieski

Our guests Nancy and Diana B. joined us early and we had the opportunity to find out that Nancy found us through Eventbrite and Diana B, DTM found us via D99 fan page (Nancy only joined briefly)            Grammarian Yeshu gave us WOD: Riveting (completely engrossing; compelling). Everyone used the WOD throughout the meeting.

1st speaker: Cherry's speech title: Mental Health starts with your hands. Cherry used her body gestures, props and hand exercises to demonstrate how one can connect with her audience. Cherry also explained those exercises healed her carpal tunnel, and relieved her shoulders, neck pain and migraine headache; thus changed her life up side down, to live a pain free life.

2nd speaker: Dan split us into 2 breakout rooms to discuss and define "What is a WOW meeting?" and how we might engage audience in our next workshop. As we resumed back to the main room, Bonnie represented the 1st group and Dan represented the 2nd group.  Ideas came up were: Let people talk about themselves, tell us their stories, what they know and what they like to know, Role play, e.g. love boat with roles assigned ahead of time such as captain, servers, seamen etc...  Panel of 3 interview,  ZOOM experts, get things started ahead, sent video to win a prize, do write up & vote, court house, wedding, police stations, the list goes on.

Edith lead us into a WOW Table topics moment, she started something like this:

'Today we are gathered here to read the contents of Aunt Bessie’s will. You know Aunt Bessie was rather eccentric. She had no close family m embers. You never knew what she was up to nor do we know if she has a fortune or if she flittered her money away on lottery tickets, gifts, coffee, trips, casinos.

You are all special people that she had asked me, her executor, to gather.

Your job is to convince me, and those gathered here why you deserve Auntie Bessie’s fortune, whatever it is. I will let you know who you are when I call upon you. 

When we are finished, please send me your vote as to whojoin you thought gave the best argument as to why they deserve Aunt Bessie’s fortune.

her introverted nephew, Dan

the newspaper girl, Eileen

her pharmacist, Cherry

her tea buddy, (Bonnie

her hair stylist, Yeshu 

her travel buddy, (Diana)

her next door neighbour. (Susan)

I am pleased to announce that Yeshu was voted as the most deserving of Aunt Bessie’s fortune. 

Oh dear, she had 98 cents left on her Tim Horton’s card and $3 on her MacDonald’s card.'

We had a full agenda meeting, we engaged our audience through speeches, group discussion involving everyone thinking caps, Edith gave everyone a speaking role as shown above.  Nobody left the zoom room without speaking.



Friday 18 September 2020

Sept 15, 2020 Meeting Theme: Team Building

 Lingo Advanced Communicators Blog September 15/2020

Our meeting was jam packed, but that was “Teamwork” and that was part of the theme of our meeting “Teambuilding.” Toastmaster of the day, Eileen S set the stage in asking us about our teambuilding experiences in Toastmasters. We were happy to have guest Yeshu D, ‘collaborate’ (wave) with us. Our meeting consisted of:  1) a speech by Xiao X about Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber,” etc - surprised me, too;  2) Presentation and exercise on Teambuilding by Toastmaster Mr. teambuilding Dan Mc working on Pathways Level 5 project - what else “Teambuilding”;  3) a business meeting, where the budget was passed but we are VERY concerned that we have only seven members returning - 😢 I am the last person standing from the Charter members - HELP - feels lonely - where is the teamwork?   4) Tabletopics led, for the last time, by Melanie K (guest Yeshu won best Tabletopics talking about the best icebreaker exercise she participated in when she was 17 years old);  and 5) our usual great evaluations. Wow! Great teamwork Lingo Advanced Communicators. Next Workshop via Zoom - Engaging your Audience - should be 💍 engaging. Please join us October 6th at 7 pm.     Submitted by DTM Edith B 

Friday 4 September 2020

Sept 1, 2020 Workshop: The Tricks and Traps of On-line Meetings and Hybrid meetings

Submitted by Edith Baranieki, DTM

In order to complete her Pathways Dynamic Leadership Level 4 Elective - Creating a blog. (to write 8 blogs in the month of September)  Edith is exploring "What is the drawing card for attracting new members, especially with on-line meetings, where the world is open to us?" Edith belongs to 3 great Toastmasters Clubs:  Lingo Advanced Communicators, Paragon, and Fabulous Facilitators, making it possible to do the eight blogs in four weeks.  Below is her first blog about Lingo:

Lingo Advanced Communicators continues its journey in leading and advancing its members knowledge and in supporting other clubs.  Our September 1/2020 meeting’s theme “The Tricks and Traps of On-line Meetings and Hybrid meetings” was not only informative but also explorative. Club President Bonnie W, a well versed instructor on on-line meetings, responded to our inquisitive minds and gave us time to test virtual tools, like the Zoom white board.  VP Education and Division C Director Dan Mc shared his research and knowledge on how to set up and enhance Hybrid meetings, when the day comes, so it is a valuable experience for the on-line and the in-person participant. All evaluations were “lucid” and helpful for the future. We always believe in having fun too. Perhaps that is also our drawing card! TM Edith B asked members and guest Margaret W to introduce themselves by indicating “what is the oddest/strangest thing you have done during an on-line meeting?”  Several members confessed to painting their fingernails - no one mentioned toenails. What do you do during on-line meetings besides listening attentively and participating respectively? You are welcome to join us via Zoom for next meeting September 15/2020 at 7 pm for more fun and information as we discuss “Team building” - remember we are in this together, so evidenced by the Toastmasters International Virtual Convention.  I am still on a high from all of these....

PS    Edith learned during the workshop how to make the presentation document smaller so the presenter is more visible and not half cut off so expect improvements next time.  She didn’t include the pictures with the presenters this time as they were chopped off.