Friday 4 September 2020

Sept 1, 2020 Workshop: The Tricks and Traps of On-line Meetings and Hybrid meetings

Submitted by Edith Baranieki, DTM

In order to complete her Pathways Dynamic Leadership Level 4 Elective - Creating a blog. (to write 8 blogs in the month of September)  Edith is exploring "What is the drawing card for attracting new members, especially with on-line meetings, where the world is open to us?" Edith belongs to 3 great Toastmasters Clubs:  Lingo Advanced Communicators, Paragon, and Fabulous Facilitators, making it possible to do the eight blogs in four weeks.  Below is her first blog about Lingo:

Lingo Advanced Communicators continues its journey in leading and advancing its members knowledge and in supporting other clubs.  Our September 1/2020 meeting’s theme “The Tricks and Traps of On-line Meetings and Hybrid meetings” was not only informative but also explorative. Club President Bonnie W, a well versed instructor on on-line meetings, responded to our inquisitive minds and gave us time to test virtual tools, like the Zoom white board.  VP Education and Division C Director Dan Mc shared his research and knowledge on how to set up and enhance Hybrid meetings, when the day comes, so it is a valuable experience for the on-line and the in-person participant. All evaluations were “lucid” and helpful for the future. We always believe in having fun too. Perhaps that is also our drawing card! TM Edith B asked members and guest Margaret W to introduce themselves by indicating “what is the oddest/strangest thing you have done during an on-line meeting?”  Several members confessed to painting their fingernails - no one mentioned toenails. What do you do during on-line meetings besides listening attentively and participating respectively? You are welcome to join us via Zoom for next meeting September 15/2020 at 7 pm for more fun and information as we discuss “Team building” - remember we are in this together, so evidenced by the Toastmasters International Virtual Convention.  I am still on a high from all of these....

PS    Edith learned during the workshop how to make the presentation document smaller so the presenter is more visible and not half cut off so expect improvements next time.  She didn’t include the pictures with the presenters this time as they were chopped off.

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