Friday 18 September 2020

Sept 15, 2020 Meeting Theme: Team Building

 Lingo Advanced Communicators Blog September 15/2020

Our meeting was jam packed, but that was “Teamwork” and that was part of the theme of our meeting “Teambuilding.” Toastmaster of the day, Eileen S set the stage in asking us about our teambuilding experiences in Toastmasters. We were happy to have guest Yeshu D, ‘collaborate’ (wave) with us. Our meeting consisted of:  1) a speech by Xiao X about Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber,” etc - surprised me, too;  2) Presentation and exercise on Teambuilding by Toastmaster Mr. teambuilding Dan Mc working on Pathways Level 5 project - what else “Teambuilding”;  3) a business meeting, where the budget was passed but we are VERY concerned that we have only seven members returning - 😢 I am the last person standing from the Charter members - HELP - feels lonely - where is the teamwork?   4) Tabletopics led, for the last time, by Melanie K (guest Yeshu won best Tabletopics talking about the best icebreaker exercise she participated in when she was 17 years old);  and 5) our usual great evaluations. Wow! Great teamwork Lingo Advanced Communicators. Next Workshop via Zoom - Engaging your Audience - should be 💍 engaging. Please join us October 6th at 7 pm.     Submitted by DTM Edith B 

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