Thursday 20 January 2022

Jan 18, 2022 Calling all Toastmasters: Educational: How to post your ad on Eventbrite?

2022 is proving to be a very enlightening year for Lingo Advanced Communicators members.  Sgt at Arms Eileen S opened the January 18/22 meeting in her usual professional manner and was given an extra job by VPPR/Toastmaster for the evening Edith B.  She was pollmaster for introductions when the question asked was: What is your preferred social media for hearing about TM events and club activities from the following options (in alphabetical order: 1) Eventbrite, 2) Facebook, 3) Linked-In, 4) Meet-Up, 5) Other, which may include word of mouth and Twitter. Except for Twitter all received votes (members voted for more than one). Facebook had more votes, which made old school Edith B and Craig B happy, not to mention Rhys D, the lead for D99 Fan Facebook site. Eileen liked to see all on a D99 calendar page. 

The Educational regarding Eventbrite, presented by Cherry C, not only told us about Eventbrite but showed us. A great presentation, which her speech evaluator Rhys D acknowledged.  Timer Dan was engrossed in the presentation but noted the timing could have been closer to the 20-25 minutes allocated for the Dynamic Leadership L4 Managing Online meetings if the “after demo” part was eliminated as not totally necessary since the subject was covered so well. However, it was a true “pedagogy.”  It was unfortunate that no guests took the opportunity to hear this TLI worthy presentation.  

Tabletopics Master Craig asked questions about the personal benefits of Toastmasters and in attracting members. Xiao X won best Tabletopics. She probably had lots of thinking time as she was not as busy counting the word of the day “pedology” as she was counting Ahs and Ums. Eileen was kept going every which way as not only did she open the meeting and manage the poll, but she was also Tabletopics Evaluator, particularly noting the speakers openings and conclusions.  All participated in a round robin general evaluation of the evening with good things to say about the evening and points that could be improved. All in all, it was an enjoyable, enlightening evening, where we shut our computers down with smiles on our faces and wheels turning.  

Our next event on February1 /22 is a big one, hosting “Judges Training” for D99. We need to shine. The two hour event is coordinated by Eileen, who will also do a presentation on judging, along with Rhys talking about the tips of completing the score card and guest speaker: Glynn W will talk about the Chief Judge’s Role. Edith will be TM, Cherry Sgt at Arms and Dan will manage breakout rooms. Assistance will be needed for Timing and room moderating. Registrations are through Eventbrite. 

Also stay tuned for our Open House February 15/22 - Survivor Night.  

More to come. 

Submitted by Edith B VPPR 

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