Wednesday 5 January 2022

Jan 4, 2022 Educational: Leadership Development

Lingo Advanced Communicators Blog for the first meeting of 2022. Our January 4/22 meeting was similar to a western movie showdown without the saloon.  We were a six pack of members “integrating” leadership and negotiation strategies in our discussions. TM Rhys D was the Sheriff without a badge, but with an “apt for numbers” as introduced by Sgt at Arms Cherry C. We did as asked, and introduced our roles and ourselves by mentioning our New Years resolutions. Among the resolutions mentioned were “to stay or be healthy, be more organized and the usual, continue or be more physical” but this one threw us - eat more chocolate, ha. 

Cherry was our speaker for the night. She gave a Dynamic Leadership L3 speech on “Negotiate the Best Outcomes” re Styles and Strategies. She spoke about a real life example of buying a vehicle. Her speech evaluator, Eileen S, emphasized the value of a strong opening. e.g. "Have you ever needed to negotiate and didn't know where to start? Today, I am going to provide you with some tools for successful negotiation". Chery's slides not moving was an issue but her message came through loud and clear. 

Then the showdown began as Deputy Craig B Tabletopics Master asked us leadership questions. It became a duel of D/D  versus  E/E (Timer Dan, TM Davis, Speech Evaluator Eileen and TT Evaluator Edith B) with the duo of E/E winning the best Tabletopics speakers, yah. Some of us were happy with the first E/E win on the season. Grammarian Edith, while noting that “integrate” was used in some form by all but there were also several “informal” words used. The Ahs were not tallied because the numbers guy may have disputed the math for his count. 

Just as the meeting ended, a lone rider strode into the meeting. Richard M, D99 Program Quality Director, was timely in further discussing our next educational event (always the First Tuesday of the month). Thus on February 1st at 7 pm we will host Judges Training, as organized by Eileen S. See D99 Event postings. However, before that we will meet January 18/22. Stay tuned for details of both.

(Submitted by Edith, picture from Edith/Morris' trip to Deadwood, South Dakota) 

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