Thursday 3 March 2022

Motivational Strategies workshop presented by Lingo Advanced Communicators on March 1/22

Well we were not only inspired and/or motivated, but we also had a great evening of sharing, learning and laughing.  Rhys D, Area B51 Director/ Lingo opened the meeting and called upon Cherry C, TM for the evening to get us started.  All our members were present, old and new, plus six guests.  Our guests came from the West - BC (Karen B, D21 Club Growth Director) and the East - Sask (Don Z, Past D99 Director) plus Alberta (Guitaj K Area F5 Director, Michelle S Area B9 Director, Doug K and June M). What an elite bunch. 
As an icebreaker, Cherry had us introduce ourselves by selecting a motivational strategy from a list of ten one liners - #2  “Be genuine with people” received the most responses and a couple originals were suggested. She then outlined the evening plans of top notched presentations.  
Violet W, perhaps a new Lingo member (the ink is not yet dry), presented a L5 Motivational Strategies Pathway speech regarding Team Building. She spoke about her team creating a Jeopardy Board type Toastmasters trivia game.  I would love to play it.  Next Xiao X also did a Level 5 project, a Dynamic Leadership elective - Moderate a Panel Discussion, when she moderated a panel on what else but “Motivational Strategies for Toastmasters Clubs.” Hence, a panel of dignitaries were gathered consisting of our own Richard M, D99 Quality Program Director/newest Lingo member and Dan Mc, D99 Club Growth Director/ Lingo Pres, plus Karen B from D21 and Don Z from D99. The panel offered many, many strategies for motivating members. I liked hearing that organization, effective evaluations, providing a respective and supportive environment plus having a fun aspect were important. Music to my ears.  
Speech Evaluator,  Craig B, concentrated on the presentation and delivery style of the speaker, while speech evaluator Eileen S concentrated more on content of the discussion and management of the moderating process. She gave a sample suggestion of a smooth conclusion. 
Meanwhile, I perhaps picked the wrong meeting to be timer, as I timed, and timed, and timed.
Cherry ended the evening with a couple of case studies for discussion on the chat box; which required everyone to put on their thinking caps along with some flying-fingers typing skills.  Michelle S. summarized the 1st case study. The 2nd case study was open ended and Gultaj K. said it was a difficult question. Agreed. 
Guests are certainly welcome to join us again and Cherry would make sure that they were invited to become Lingo members. They all provided such great energy for the event.  
I bet they would like to tell us about their “Irish Luck” at our next meeting March 15/22 at 7 pm MST. Eileen Is TM for the evening and lucky for us, there will be an induction of new members. The more the merrier. 
Many of us will also continue judging speech contests, if not organizing and perhaps competing. Since It was is such a busy evening, did anyone notice if March came in as a Lion or a Lamb??   Submitted by Edith Baraniecki, DTM, VP PR

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