Wednesday 16 March 2022

“The Luck of the Irish” Lingo Advanced TM Club March 15/22

I don’t know if it was the “luck of the Irish” or what, but we had a “fortuitous” meeting, referring to the word of the day (Fortuity) selected by our newest member Grammarian and English teacher, Violet W.  We are so “fortuitous” to have her join our club. 

After being introduced by Cherry, Sgt at Arms, Eileen S, TM for the evening, cautioned us on getting caught up with the new currency “Leper-coins,” and with that our meeting was off and running.  In introductions we learned several members had some Irish blood in them but the rest of us just wanted to visit there someday for various reasons. 

We did not have a business meeting nor induction of our two new members, Violet and Richard M, as he was unavailable. Get well soon Richard. 

Dan Mc gave an exceptionally good longer speech on “Collaboration.”  The biggest takeaway was his statement “collaboration is not a choice, it has to happen.” He used an analogy between two teams he worked/works with and the three important aspects of collaboration: Clear objectives, Know the persons involved and Create a safe place. Speech evaluator Craig B liked various aspects of the speech and reminded the speaker (all speakers) to look at the camera. 

Then it was my turn to host TableTopics so why not find out who had the “luck of the Irish” through selecting cards to correspond to the numbered questions. Xiao X selected the first card and chose a “two” to which she was asked about the “two” roles she likes to fill. They are timer and evaluator as they require the most attention and listening skills. Violet selected a “three” and responded to the “three” parts of evaluating a speech. She referred to the “sandwich” technique, which was a good review for all of us.  The lucky picker of the “pot of gold” - number “four” was Craig who instead of responding to a TT question, he was able to ask someone a question about “Ireland, luck, green or TM.” Incidentally, during Introductions, Craig told us he was a lucky person. Craig chose Rhys D to response to the subject “Ireland” asking him what three people he would take to Ireland on an all expense paid trip to Ireland. Rhys decided he couldn’t take just three of us but all eight of us (I am not sure if the Cat was coming too). Cherry had a question on the “seven” executive roles and she gave the pros and cons of each. Eileen took the most time in responding to her “five” question, naming “five” TMs she admired (Dan and I were pleased to be on her list) and giving us an in-depth description on her late TM friend, Bernadette C-L, who sounded like a wonderful person.  TT Evaluator Xiao summed up the TT session as “exciting, educational and well done.” Eileen won best TT but Timer Cherry, wearing a timer/judges hat, disqualified her for going overtime, noting Violet was the second place winner. 

There was some discussion on the next Lingo event scheduled for April 5/22 with no firm decisions as to the theme or TM for the evening so stay tuned. Edith B VPPR

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