Thursday 19 May 2022

May 17/22 Election results for Lingo Advanced - Evaluating our success/Moments of Truth


What a great way to spend a Tuesday evening, “recognizing” our Club’s success or lack of it. I opened the meeting as Sgt at Arms, acknowledging our dignitaries Glenn W, Past D99 Director/guest speaker for the evening and Dan McC, Club Growth Director/fellow Lingo member, as well as fellow members. I then introduced Lingo charter member, our current Area B 51 Director, and a diehard Oiler fan Rhys D as our TM for the evening. Rhys asked everyone to comment on what makes for a good TM meeting. We heard comments like: enthusiasm, being prepared, all agenda roles filled, appearance, professionalism, energy, respect, some fun, friendship and fellowship. All so very important. 

One of the highlights of the evening was Glenn presenting our “Moments of Truth” poll results. Very interesting and a nice way to conduct this important part of Toastmasters - looking at ourselves. There was some discussion concerning the aspects we can work on such as provide guests with a form to complete in lieu of a guest book when meeting virtually, increased mentorship, a way to track/display progress, increased “recognition” of achievements, and the big one, we need to attract more members, perhaps through an open house.  We need to find our niche and let ourselves and the world know we can be proud of our club. Well done Glenn and club members. All that in 34 minutes (I was also timer). Thank you. 

The second highlight of the evening was “elections.” Acting past Club President as well as current President Dan presented the nomination slate with one last minute role taker. No roles were contested.  

Congratulations to Lingo’s 2022-23 Executive:

President - Edith B, VPED - Cherry C, VPMembership - Eileen S, VPPR Dan McC, Sec/Treasurer - Xiao X, and Sgt at Arms - Rhys D.  Go Team Go. 

Dan then asked us in a mini TT session to indicate our goals per our incoming roles for next year. We all have lofty goals which are noted in the minutes. Let’s make 2022-23 our year to shine and be “recognized,” which was our Word of the Day as selected and tracked by Grammarian Cherry. Unfortunately, it was not used as often as our Ahs and ums, which she also noted. We were delighted to have Violet W, our newest member join us and fill the General Evaluator role. She has been and will be a busy girl with her now full time teaching position. Yah, Violet. She thought our meeting was good but suggested that it may have been reordered a little to draw upon the GE sooner so she could have told us what she was looking for during the meeting. Craig B and Eileen had the evening off from taking roles but participated in other ways. 

You don’t want to miss the next few meetings coming up.  See you Tuesdays at 7 pm next month: June 7th - Innovative Planning and June 21st - National Indigenous Peoples Day (with a guest speaker).  We are then kicking off the new TM year by meeting in person on July 5 for a potluck to recognize the last year end and announce any awards. Thanks to outgoing Sgt at Arms Eileen for offering her backyard and home in SW Edmonton. Address will be provided. All are welcome. Can hardly wait. We are also looking to have joint meetings with other clubs this summer again. 

Submitted by Edith B VPPR, Incoming President of Lingo

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