Friday 6 May 2022

May 3, 2022 Lingo calls it 20X22 Night

Lingo Advanced Toastmasters presented “2022” through pictures and story telling. Toastmaster Eileen S opened the evening, welcomed our guest Mildred H and introduced the presenters for three totally different presentations. She was assisted by Xiao being Zoom master and Craig B, who was already thinking of what he could present in 2023. 

Dan McC did his presentation on his passion for artwork titled “Why collect art?  So well done that we want to visit his home gallery someday.   My presentation was titled “Time, Talent, Treasure, with a dose of Survivor” about my working trip to Guatemala City to build day care furniture. Such memories to treasure. Cherry C’s presentation was titled “Who invented bowl haircuts” which gave us a peek into her early years with a humorous twist and she noted who else has had/endured/enjoyed bowl haircuts.  Dan won best presentation and with that we are already thinking of how we can compete next year, perhaps we can call it “2023” - 20 slides of 23 seconds each.  Another great aspect of these presentations is that we all were able to present them again, Dan at Oxbridge Orators and Cherry and I at Fabulous Facilitators TM clubs.  We would also invite guests to do presentations next year as well.   

Our next event is May 16/22, with Rhys D as Toastmaster.  The theme is “Evaluating the Club’s Success” and it is elections. I don’t think the club had a good enough year to win a Stanley Cup though. 

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