Wednesday 21 December 2022

Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters Club had good intentions to have an in-person Christmas Party on December 20/22. However, not many members could attend, it might have been the cold, it might have been that they were busy, “Oh me, Oh my. “

In the end, we met by Zoom, from the warmth of our own room. Nonetheless, we had a very entertaining and “jovial” meeting. Everyone looked festive, either in dress/new hairdo or virtual background. After introductions led by TM Shiao, who asked “what Christmas meant to us,” we delved right into two rounds of Tabletopics led by special guest, Mrs. Claus (Edith B). She sought advice for her husband’s stresses and problems at this time of the year. Craig B won best tabletopic round #1 being adamant that “reindeer power” should remain, not electric, hybrid, or fusion. Dan Mc won best tabletopics round #2 with his very expressive thoughts that Donald Trump would be a good replacement for Santa when he retires - he would make the world “great again.” Lots of laughs. Craig B did all the hard work evaluating 10 table topics speeches and managed to do it less than 3 minutes.
Cherry C, as speech moderator, gave all of us three minutes to develop a speech of our choice and then deliver it in three minutes. We rotated being speech evaluators as well. The topics for speeches varied from “I don’t know,” making a delicious dinner dish, raising property taxes, “Socks 4 Hope” campaign, a Bad hair day and “Frightful not Delightful” about winter air travel, which Edith won best Speaker. From news reports today, this is still the case, if not worse. Best speech evaluator was Eileen S
A good time was held by all, and no headaches, except maybe Dan who timed the Tabletopics, speeches and evaluations. At least it wasn’t the whiskey, nor the gin as there was none. There was lots of laughter. We will attempt meeting in-person again on January 3/23 at 6 pm (pot luck) with meeting at 7 pm. The theme is “Out with the old and in with the new.” Lingo Advanced Communicators wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you in 2023. DTM Edith B, President.
Submitted by Edith Baraniecki, DTM

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