Thursday 19 January 2023

Jan 17, 2023 Theme: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters Club started out in 2013 with 20 eager Advanced Toastmasters wanting to do something different and we did.  Each month we took one of the advanced manuals, which was used in the Legacy program at the time, and presented it using a theme. As an example, we held a “Mock Hillbilly Wedding,”  portraying the wedding cast doing a speech, as would happen at a wedding. We had fun doing it and those attending as guests enjoyed it. Our most unique and enjoyable annual event was our slide presentations, speaking to 20 slides of our choice in 20 seconds each, and, as the years went on we adjusted the timing, in 2021 - 20 slides in 21 seconds each,  and in 2022 - 20 slides in 22 seconds each.

Unfortunately over time, our membership has declined for various personal reasons, the legacy program changed to Pathways, and Covid happened. With that, we dwindled down to eight members barely holding our heads above water, so to speak. No wonder, we recently had the theme “Poseidon Adventure.” I guess you could say the “Titanic” happened for us this year.  At this time, it seems inevitable that Lingo Advanced Communicators will need to discontinue being a Toastmasters Club.  

Perhaps it was fitting that the theme of our meeting on January 17/23 was “Martin Luther King Jr’s Day” in which Dan McCosh presented Martin Luther King Jr’s speech “I have a dream.”  We had a dream. Cherry Cheung then, as Toastmaster and Speaker, gave us a speech titled “I am no longer a dreamer” reflecting on what she learned in completing one of her Paths, “Dynamic Leadership.” We have reached the point where dreaming that Lingo could continue does not seem to be a reality. We have all learned lots. We have also appreciated the members we either met or renewed friendships with over these last few years and the support D99 District Council has given us. 

As Lingo’s 2022-23 President and one of the two remaining Charter members, the other being Rhys Davies, I want to thank the 35+ Toastmasters who have been members over the last almost ten years and any guests that joined our meetings. Our current eight members have worked hard with most of us belonging to several Toastmasters Clubs, so within our other clubs, we plan to still be part of the D99 Toastmasters family.  Most of us will not be totally gone from Toastmasters.  

Unless miracles happen and we have a sudden influx of new members we will hold one final meeting in February to make a motion to dissolve. The date is not yet finalized. As it stands, we will not have eight members after March 31/23.  

Edith Baraniecki DTM Lingo Advanced Communicators

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