Wednesday 21 December 2022

Lingo Advanced Communicators Toastmasters Club had good intentions to have an in-person Christmas Party on December 20/22. However, not many members could attend, it might have been the cold, it might have been that they were busy, “Oh me, Oh my. “

In the end, we met by Zoom, from the warmth of our own room. Nonetheless, we had a very entertaining and “jovial” meeting. Everyone looked festive, either in dress/new hairdo or virtual background. After introductions led by TM Shiao, who asked “what Christmas meant to us,” we delved right into two rounds of Tabletopics led by special guest, Mrs. Claus (Edith B). She sought advice for her husband’s stresses and problems at this time of the year. Craig B won best tabletopic round #1 being adamant that “reindeer power” should remain, not electric, hybrid, or fusion. Dan Mc won best tabletopics round #2 with his very expressive thoughts that Donald Trump would be a good replacement for Santa when he retires - he would make the world “great again.” Lots of laughs. Craig B did all the hard work evaluating 10 table topics speeches and managed to do it less than 3 minutes.
Cherry C, as speech moderator, gave all of us three minutes to develop a speech of our choice and then deliver it in three minutes. We rotated being speech evaluators as well. The topics for speeches varied from “I don’t know,” making a delicious dinner dish, raising property taxes, “Socks 4 Hope” campaign, a Bad hair day and “Frightful not Delightful” about winter air travel, which Edith won best Speaker. From news reports today, this is still the case, if not worse. Best speech evaluator was Eileen S
A good time was held by all, and no headaches, except maybe Dan who timed the Tabletopics, speeches and evaluations. At least it wasn’t the whiskey, nor the gin as there was none. There was lots of laughter. We will attempt meeting in-person again on January 3/23 at 6 pm (pot luck) with meeting at 7 pm. The theme is “Out with the old and in with the new.” Lingo Advanced Communicators wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you in 2023. DTM Edith B, President.
Submitted by Edith Baraniecki, DTM

Thursday 8 December 2022

Dec 6, 2022 Lingo Business Engagement Evening

SAA Eileen called upon the Grammarian Craig for WOD: "Profit" then introduced the TM Cherry. TM opened the meeting with  5 types of business engagement models and functions:

1. Marketing,

2. Outreach,

3. Assessing business needs,

4. Responding to business needs/requests, and 

5. Evaluating Customer Satisfaction. 


Then she asked everyone to name what business engagement meant to them. Everyone was delighted to share their understanding of business engagement. Eileen liked to know how the business engagement model can be applied to Toastmasters or vice versa. What a great question, Eileen!


Our Presenter Dan M. with his speech titled: Vibrant Corporate Clubs are our Future.  His PPT focused on how to build and sustain vibrant Toastmasters programs in corporations including valuable tips and tricks. Although Eileen was Dan's silent Evaluator, Dan also welcomed everyone's feedback on his presentation. He often says that our Club is all about ensuring everyone becomes a better version of themselves after each meeting.


Richard joined us just in time to our role play game hosted by Dan:

Team 1: Craig to Eileen,

Team 2. Shiao to Richard,

Team 3. Dan to Cherry      


Within each team, one played a TM District Dignitary promoting Toastmasters Club to a Representative of a medium size corporation. The conversation evolved with a goal to convince the corporate Representative to adapt Toastmasters into their corporation planning.  We got to practise our convincing techniques and new skills on marketing Toastmasters better.  


Our enlightening meeting was coming to an end while everyone was still excited to share their experiences from the role play game. Indeed, it was a fun and useful exercise!


At 9:03pm TM asked for the Timer Shiao and Grammarian Craig's reports.  Immediately, a Christmas celebration at Edith/Morris' house became a hot discussion. Everyone with their Christmas spirit was already envisioning the laughs, friendship, drinking, foods, etc. It is indeed going to be another lovely and Christmassy night with our Lingo family.   


With that, our meeting ended with a suggestion if we may start our Christmas celebration early at 6:00pm, friends and family of Toastmasters are welcomed to join us.  More details will come from our planning team (Cherry, Shiao and Edith). Stay tuned!                               


Submitted by Cherry C

Saturday 8 October 2022

October 4, 2022: Job Interview workshop


Lingo Advanced Communicators had a great meeting/workshop Tuesday October 4/22 re interviewing. While there were only six of us, we all interacted very well. Edith gave a Level 5 speech under Engaging Humour - “Both Sides of the Desk - what I learned”  (20 min) and incorporated interaction of members. Eileen had us participate in Jeopardy re interviews for TableTopics. Such a neat twist to things. Just goes to show the advantage of an Advanced Club, we can dare to be different. 

Even though the theme for our next meeting is “The Poseidon Adventure - A sinking ship,” we are not. Rhys is TM for our next meeting and as soon as the agenda is refreshed for this meeting, sign up to take your part in keeping our ship afloat.    Submitted by Edith Baraniecki, DTM, Club President

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Aug 2, 2022 Joint Meeting: Edmonton Folk Festival

Cherry welcomed everyone to our summer joint meeting, our theme was: Edmonton Folk Festival.  Before introducing TM Rhys D, Grammarian Ashley gave us the WOD: Askance  

TM Rhys asked everyone what our favorite festival in Edmonton was. Our guest Rachael is new in Edmonton and could not pick any.  Lochlan's choice was in winter: The Flying Canoe. 

We had two speakers: 1st speech "Balcony People" by Peter H. with his Engaging HumourPath Level 2, 'Introduction to Mentoring'. Peter concluded with the protege in the centre ofthe stage and the mentor being the Balcony People.  This evening, Peter spoke with extra confidence and the skills we had never seen or heard before.

2nd speech was a 30 minutes Educational by Dan Mc "Where do we go from here?" Dan took us to a journey from “Why we joined TM to why we are still with TM” using  questionnaires along with his power point emphasizing 11 paths and 5 levels from Pathways. 

TTM Cherry asked our youngest guest Rachael to tell us some major differences in Folk Fest back in 1980 and 2022, it didn't stumble our guest at all.  Best TT speaker was a tie between Harry and Rachael (the Vet and the Rookie)

We had no time to take a break so quickly went into the speech evaluation section by evaluators Miles G and Lynn B, both evaluators provided room for improvement.  Table Topics Evaluator Lochlan gave us a general evaluation that all TT speakers had good eye contacts and vocals. He praised our guest Rachael as she was not even nervous as a 1st time TT speaker.  As a fairly new Riverbend member, Ashley had triple duties as Timer, Grammarian and TT speaker and she did such a fantastic job on all three counts.   Craig was our Ah/um counter who politely reported that he stopped counting after Rhys reached 25.    

General Evaluator Harry P's report mentioned Miles G. was a very good speaker and wished he could have looked at his audience more.  Lastly Quizmaster Lochlan only asked one question: What was his favorite festival during introduction? Ashley answered almost correctly with winter canoe. (Ans: Flying canoe)

Highlight of the evening:
1. Rachael commented that she would complete the membership form and join Riverbend club in the next meeting. (Action: Riverbend to follow up)
2. Harry announced that Golden Mountain will be hosting the next joint meeting on Aug 23rd.  
3. Meeting ended at 8:48pm 

Submitted by Cherry Cheung, DTM(edited by Edith Baraniecki)

Friday 22 July 2022

July 19, 2022 Joint meeting: Beating Inflation

Well we did not get the inside scoop on “beating inflation,” but the subject was discussed at the joint summer meeting July 19/22 hosted by Fabulous Facilitators, with Lingo Advanced, Riverbend, and Golden Mountain Toastmasters Clubs. Sgt at Arms/TT Evaluator Cherry C started us off and TM Cam B took it from there. 

We were treated to two speeches: 1) Lynn B spoke about the “safeguards” of beating inflation mainly in bouncy castles and with mattresses when camping and 2) Guest Harriet T gave us a trial run of her contest speech “Six Words” and its human connection.  Well done speakers. Harry P evaluated Lynn’s speech and suggested a stronger closing and we all provided comments to Harriet’s questions on her speech. Best of luck, Harriet. 

Tabletopics led by Lynn B brought a ðŸ˜Š to our faces, especially when Craig B described several of us racing in inflatable suits, winning him the best TT award. While I was not the ðŸ¤¡on the tricycle, as grammarian, I did picture myself in my ðŸ™‰ suit. Estella M was precise in her timing as was Lochlan K, as quizmaster, in asking questions.

Dan Mc, a General Evaluator, gave us lots of concrete suggestions for enhancing our evaluation and other roles. We were happy to also have Eileen S, our financial wizard or expert on the price of butter, and Richard M, aka “Hot Air” join us. 

We are already looking forward to our next joint summer meeting on August 9/22 hosted by Riverbend TM Club. Stay tuned for details. 

Submitted by President Edith Bareniecki, DTM

Thursday 7 July 2022

July 5/22 Joint TM Meeting “Celebrating in the good old summer time”

It was an evening to “Celebrate in the good old summer time” and to “commemorate” our survival over these last two years.  Four clubs joined on a July 5/22 for an in-person Potluck meeting at Eileen S’ house. Thanks Eileen!   The four lucky clubs were: Lingo Advanced Communicators, Fabulous Facilitators, Riverbend and Golden Mountain. With the threat of more rain, we met inside where everything was sunny and warm.  While only 9 of us gathered, all clubs were represented. We had great food and wine too.

Cherry C opened the meeting and introduced Edith B as TM with Cam B as grammarian/Ah counter and Xiao X as timer. For introductions we indicated what we were looking forward to this summer. A variety of things were mentioned from trips, a new dog, being with family and friends and Club Officer training being well attended. 

Cherry led Tabletopics in a very unique manner in that she had everyone of us pick an item out of a bag and state “if we were that item, how or what use would we be in Toastmasters.” Some were really difficult like the newest TM Miranda H. picked a glue stick, another picked a razor, or green masking tap. Lip balm and a travelling mug were not that easy too. One item was easily adapted to TMs, a gavel. Harry P won best Tabletopics with his compassionate, if not emotional description of using “tissues.”  I soaked it all in like a “sponge,” my pick.  Dan Mc was Tabletopics Evaluator and managed to make some suggestions for responses especially if the TT responder did not relate their response to TM. 

We charged our glasses, compliments of Eileen, and had toasts to all four clubs starting with Golden Mountain (36 years), given by Harry P, Fabulous Facilitators (35 years) given by Peter H, Riverbend (17 years) given by Cherry and Lingo Advanced (8 years) given by me.   Congratulations to all club members from these clubs. We fought and won the Amazing Race in surviving these last few Covid years. Peter was the only one who had asked for an evaluator, as we should have, per Peter H’s advice,  “never give a wasted speech.” Eileen chose to concentrate more on the last page of the Pathways Social Speech evaluation, which worked well for a short speech. Many things were done well but this would have been a good opportunity to show lots of expression. 

As is my practice, I gave Dan, as Lingo outgoing President, a bottle of wine especially chosen to represent the time or situation. I, first, had to catch up on 2019/20 giving him

 “19 Crimes” which represented the year and several other things.  This year I chose a wine from our Opimian wine collection. It was called “Bosman.”  We wish Dan well, not only in his health, but as D99 Quality Program Director (fellow Lingo member Richard M, can you keep an eye on him?).  I am the in-coming President, I wonder what wine I should select for me next year?

Our evening ended with Peter, as quizmaster. It was noted that we may not have been as attentive as we should have been or as we are on Zoom. The round robin evaluation comments were that there were some nerves with meeting in person but we sure appreciated being able to use eye contact more, either meet each other or renew personal acquaintances. Other comments were, “I thought you were shorter…”

We all left with a smile on our faces, for more than one reason. We look forward to our next joint meeting hosted by Fabulous Facilitators on July 19/22.  It will be back to Zoom with the theme “Beating Inflation.”  See you then.

Edith Baraniecki, VPPR (Lingo 21/22) and Fabulous Facilitators (ongoing)

Thursday 23 June 2022

June 21/22 - National Indigenous History Month

We had a wonderful evening recognizing “National Indigenous History Month” as we learned more about the “culture” of the Indigenous Peoples on this special day.  Sgt at Arms Cherry C welcomed guest speaker DTM Glenda Sheard to give an acknowledgement regarding meeting on Treaty 6 land. We also welcomed guest DTM Peggy Z.  Our TM for the evening was Eileen S, who always comes very well prepared for any role she has.  For our introductions many of us touched on our experiences with Indigenous peoples and some noted that the “learnings are an ongoing journey.”

We were honored to have Glenda as our speaker regarding National Indigenous History month. As the grammarian, I was mesmerized by the number of descriptive words and terms that rolled off her tongue: discrimination, marginalized, biases, diversity, respect, 60’s scoop, Indspire and more. She certainly helped enlighten us.  

Next on our agenda was Dan Mc, outgoing President, presenting the 2021/22 awards. We all received a certificate for some recognition, including our newest members yet to be inducted, Miles G (returning to TMs), Richard M (22/23 D99  District Director), and Violet W (our second token Millennium to Timer Shiao X).  Guess what award Rhys D received? Think horns and giant spoon (yes goofy).  The rest of us fulfilled many of the key roles of TM, Table Topics Master, Coordinator and Speaker many times and had great attendance so were duly recognized.  Cherry and I were noted for our Triple Crowns as well as my blogs and dedication to the Club, as I sit in Fairmont BC attending on Zoom from there. Cherry won the top award of Toastmaster of the Year. Congratulations to all and especially to Cherry, whose Toastmaster of the Year form will also be sent to the Area B51 Director to be considered with other clubs in Area B51. 

Tabletopics Master Rhys had some tough questions but Glenda handled her question with ease indicating which Indigenous person she most admired from the entertainment world. She indicated Chevi Rabbit winning best TT response. Craig B for his evaluations was impressed by all the responses. 

Dan asked us to raise our glasses and he gave a Toast to the Club and the obstacles we have overcome.  It was a great meeting to close out the 2021/22 year.  Eileen reminded us that the next meeting is Tuesday July 5/22 in her backyard for a Potluck so please sign up for a dish. It will be a joint meeting with Fabulous Facilitators, Riverbend, and Golden Mountain TM Clubs. The theme will be “In the good old summer time.”  See you then Edith B VPPR (Incoming President)

Thursday 9 June 2022

Lingo Advanced Communicators: June 7/22 - Innovative Planning

There was nothing “status quo” about our meeting which was WOD selected by Grammarian Cherry,  Sgt at Arms Craig B introduced Xiao as TM of the evening who asked us where we wanted change in our lives. Most got on the “weight management” bandwagon through more activity to get rid of the muffin top or spare tire while one member wanted to rewire minds to get rid of the negativity in the world.  

We had three very different presentations:

  1. I presented “Innovation is everywhere” - a more light hearted look at my life and one place in particular that I frequently describe itself as innovative - Freson Bros Grocers. (Presentation Mastery L1 - Icebreaker)
  2. Cherry C presented “Creating an Innovative Environment” describing a workplace setup (Google) that is innovative and quite different than our previous workplace settings, especially Government. In an interactive approach, she left us with three “I’s” and two “C’s” to take home: interaction, inspiration, independence, collaboration and curiosity. (Motivational Strategies L4 elective - Managing On-line meetings)
  3. Dan Mc presented “A Leader’s Role in Innovation” where he used a whiteboard to solicit ideas regarding Toastmaster leaders. He gave us food for thought. (Team Collaboration L3 elective- Inspire your  audience.)

All three of us has some technical glitches before we got going and we were probably a nightmare for timer Eileen S as all were longer speeches than our 90 minute meeting usually has. I won best presentation, maybe because it was shorter and people liked the $1 coffee and $1 ice cream. 

We have an exciting meeting coming up June 21/22 at 7 pm: Theme:  National Indigenous History Month with Guest Glenda Sheard, who is a multi-dimensional entrepreneur, transformational coach, mentor, community-builder, motivational speaker, Radio Show Host and a Compassionate Leader. Be sure to join us.  

Submitted by Edith B, VPPR

Thursday 19 May 2022

May 17/22 Election results for Lingo Advanced - Evaluating our success/Moments of Truth


What a great way to spend a Tuesday evening, “recognizing” our Club’s success or lack of it. I opened the meeting as Sgt at Arms, acknowledging our dignitaries Glenn W, Past D99 Director/guest speaker for the evening and Dan McC, Club Growth Director/fellow Lingo member, as well as fellow members. I then introduced Lingo charter member, our current Area B 51 Director, and a diehard Oiler fan Rhys D as our TM for the evening. Rhys asked everyone to comment on what makes for a good TM meeting. We heard comments like: enthusiasm, being prepared, all agenda roles filled, appearance, professionalism, energy, respect, some fun, friendship and fellowship. All so very important. 

One of the highlights of the evening was Glenn presenting our “Moments of Truth” poll results. Very interesting and a nice way to conduct this important part of Toastmasters - looking at ourselves. There was some discussion concerning the aspects we can work on such as provide guests with a form to complete in lieu of a guest book when meeting virtually, increased mentorship, a way to track/display progress, increased “recognition” of achievements, and the big one, we need to attract more members, perhaps through an open house.  We need to find our niche and let ourselves and the world know we can be proud of our club. Well done Glenn and club members. All that in 34 minutes (I was also timer). Thank you. 

The second highlight of the evening was “elections.” Acting past Club President as well as current President Dan presented the nomination slate with one last minute role taker. No roles were contested.  

Congratulations to Lingo’s 2022-23 Executive:

President - Edith B, VPED - Cherry C, VPMembership - Eileen S, VPPR Dan McC, Sec/Treasurer - Xiao X, and Sgt at Arms - Rhys D.  Go Team Go. 

Dan then asked us in a mini TT session to indicate our goals per our incoming roles for next year. We all have lofty goals which are noted in the minutes. Let’s make 2022-23 our year to shine and be “recognized,” which was our Word of the Day as selected and tracked by Grammarian Cherry. Unfortunately, it was not used as often as our Ahs and ums, which she also noted. We were delighted to have Violet W, our newest member join us and fill the General Evaluator role. She has been and will be a busy girl with her now full time teaching position. Yah, Violet. She thought our meeting was good but suggested that it may have been reordered a little to draw upon the GE sooner so she could have told us what she was looking for during the meeting. Craig B and Eileen had the evening off from taking roles but participated in other ways. 

You don’t want to miss the next few meetings coming up.  See you Tuesdays at 7 pm next month: June 7th - Innovative Planning and June 21st - National Indigenous Peoples Day (with a guest speaker).  We are then kicking off the new TM year by meeting in person on July 5 for a potluck to recognize the last year end and announce any awards. Thanks to outgoing Sgt at Arms Eileen for offering her backyard and home in SW Edmonton. Address will be provided. All are welcome. Can hardly wait. We are also looking to have joint meetings with other clubs this summer again. 

Submitted by Edith B VPPR, Incoming President of Lingo